Alexander M. Gulyaikin, Michael S. Аlimbekov, Andrey S. Palagushkin
Pages 78–87
The spotlight development on the solid-state laser light source is considered in this scientific article. The light sources characteristics are as close as possible to the characteristics and parameters of modern LED light sources. The main aim is to reach the luminous flux value of 3000 lm. That is analogues with the luminous flux of modern LED searchlights. As well as the photometric and electrical parameters, values and determination of the measures to improve the design of the spotlight are of the interest. The spotlight sample has been tested. And the test results show that after the value of 3000 lm reached the main failing of light source is the low value of its luminous efficacy, equal to 57 lm/W. In order to increase the light output of the searchlight, there are the ways of modernization of its construction suggested in the article. The previous results show that the measures suggested will allow us to increase the value of luminous efficacy to 100 lm/W. Besides that, such parameters and characteristics of the spotlight as the correlated colour temperature (CCT), colour rendering index (CRI), wattage, luminous intensity and spectral light distribution are measured and submitted in the article. The obtained energetic characteristics of the sample allow us to conclude that application of such light sources is approved in special conditions. Absence of electronic components in the distant radiation source of white light allows increasing the light source reliability substantially. Therefore, the laser spotlights are acceptable for application in the hard-to-reach places for installation of the lighting equipment, for example, on high places where the equipment demount used for repairing works is too difficult. It is actually to use also the developed light sources at the explosive industrial facilities having the current-transmitting elements of construction, especially having the open contacts. That allows reducing the safety of facility operation significantly.
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