Journal history, contents

The Journal “Svetotekhnika” was created in the decree development of the Central Committee of the Russian Communist Bolsheviks Party on August 5, 1931 on the deployment of industrial and technical propaganda. The first publishers of the journal were the All-Union Electrical Engineering Association and the All-Union Association of Lighting Technology Laboratories. The necessity of a specialized lighting engineering journal was prepared by the whole course of scientific and technological progress in the country. Initially, articles in this field of study were published in electrical engineering journals. As lighting engineering has been increasingly developed as an independent branch of knowledge, it has become significantly beyond the scope of electrical engineering publications. At the same time, physical and hygienic journals published few technical articles. There was a need to organize a special lighting engineering journal.

As a result, the journal “Svetotekhnika” stood out from the oldest scientific and technical journal in our country “Elektrichestvo” in 1932 on the initiative of well-known professors Mikhail Andreevich Shatelen and Lev Davidovich Belkind. The journal “Elektrichestvo” was founded in 1880 on the initiative of outstanding Russian electrical scientists P.N. Yablochkov, V.N. Chikoleva (one of the chief editors), D.A. Lachinova and A.N. Lodygin, united in the VI (electrical engineering) department of the Imperial Russian Technical Society. It was published from 1881 in St. Petersburg and from 1922 to the present time in Moscow.

Mikhail Andreevich Shatelen (1866 – 1957) was a scientist in the field of electrical engineering, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1931), honored worker of science and technology of the RSFSR, Hero of Socialist Labor (1956). In 1888 he graduated from the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of the St. Petersburg University and stayed at the University to prepare for the professorship. In the same year 1888, Chatelen was sent to Paris, where he attended courses at the Higher Electrotechnical School and at the Sorbonne. Simultaneously, Mikhail Andreevich studied practical electrical engineering at the Edison factory, where he had passed from a worker to a chief-builder in two years. In 1893, the Technical School of the Post and Telegraph Office in St. Petersburg was transformed into the Electrical Engineering Institute. Mikhail Andreevich took part in the competition for the position of the first professor of electrical engineering in Russia and was approved after a successful reading of two public lectures in the Council of the Institute. In 1921, M.A. Shatelen was appointed a member of the USSR state planning Committee and took part in the development of the General plan of electrification of the country. In 1922, on his initiative, the publication of the journal “Elektrichestvo” was resumed.

Lev Davidovich Belkind (August 27, 1896 - November 16, 1969) was a Soviet scientist, engineer and historian, one of the founders of Russian lighting engineering, a popularizer of science and technology, an author of numerous publications on the history of science and technology, a professor, a doctor of technical sciences. Academic activity of the professor is connected with MPEI (Moscow Power Engineering Institute), in which in 1932 he founded the department of lighting engineering in the Physics and Energy Faculty. In 1937 he became the first Dean of the Electrical Engineering Faculty. Subsequently, prof. Belkind headed the Department of History of Technology, and also collaborated with the Institute of History of Science and Technology of the USSR Academy of Sciences, since its inception in 1953.

In the article “Action journal for lighting engineering” in the first issue of the journal, the outstanding Soviet electrical engineer prof. M.A.Shatelen defined the tasks of the journal: “Health protection and improvement of working and living conditions is one of the main links in the general chain of construction of the socialist society. Good lighting is one of the most effective means to achieve this goal. The Soviet Union sets itself the task of increasing labor productivity, reducing production losses, defect reduction etc. In the struggle to achieve these goals, good lighting is again one of the most powerful and at the same time the most economical tools.”

All the tasks set 85 years ago in the first issue of the journal remain relevant at the present time. The state, patriotic approach to the solution of the main tasks and problems of the lighting engineering development in the country was typical for all stages of the journal's life. The journal constantly raised the main issues for lighting engineering science, industry and organizations that design and operate lighting installations. The journal set out the tasks that are typical for the development of our country at each historical stage. Special attention was paid to the electrification of the country, the implementation and development of the GOELRO plan.

The content of the journal for all years of its existence has widely and fully revealed the features of the Russian lighting engineering development in terms of theoretical research and applied work in all areas of lighting engineering science and practice, as well as the development of lighting engineering production. During these years, about 7 000 publications on the main areas of lighting engineering were carried out: general issues and history of lighting engineering, theoretical lighting engineering and physiological optics, photometry and colorimetry, lighting installations, lighting devices, radiation sources, ballasts for gas-discharge lamps and electrical installation products. Many of the articles were included in the gold fund of Russian and world lighting engineering literature.

Important scientific, organizational and technical issues were discussed on the pages of the journal. The editorial board attaches great importance to the discussions on the pages of the journal. The role of such discussions was defined in the leading article in 1932, № 1: “Engineering and technical cadres, students, workers of lighting technique laboratories, economic managers and skilled workers in the lighting engineering industry should have in the journal not only the reflection of all new ideas in the field if lighting engineering, but also a permanent arena for the exchange of experience and views on practical issues that are put forward by the rapidly growing national economy of the country. Our journal should be a military tribune of technical propaganda and contribute to the correct resolution of practical and theoretical issues in the field of lighting engineering.”

To date, “Svetotekhnika” is the oldest lighting engineering journal and one of the three best journals in the world of such subjects. The journal “Svetotekhnika” is included in all key world science databases – Scopus, Web of Science and Russian RINC, which allows it to be informationally connected with the world and Russian lighting engineering science. Moreover, the performance of scientific studies is impossible without the publication of research results in peer-reviewed scientific journals included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission. “Svetotekhnika” is recommended by the Ministry of education and science of Russia for this purpose.

The journal is published in two versions: Russian “Svetotekhnika” and English “Light & Engineering”. Scientific publications of both versions are identical to the accuracy of the translation. The Russian version of the journal also contains a national component: Russian industry standards, discussions on topical lighting problems in the country.

Publications in the journal cover all areas of modern lighting engineering technology: visual and non-visual effects of radiation on humans, light field theory, photometry and colorimetry, radiation sources, ballasts, light devices, lighting and irradiation devices, methods of mathematical modeling of light devices and installations, energy saving problems in lighting issues, installation and operation of lighting systems, modern production technology of lighting products. Much attention is paid to energy security problems, lighting control systems, interesting design solutions, technical level of lighting devices, lighting innovations and lighting design. The magazine also pays attention to problems of visual perception with light signaling. In fact, the magazine is a periodic publication of the encyclopedia of a lighting engineer. The publication replicates the best experience of Russian manufacturers of lighting engineering products and design organizations.

Our journal is interesting not only to researchers and developers in the field of lighting engineering, but also to all those who are associated with the issues of external and internal urban lighting, lighting of large infrastructure facilities, industrial enterprises, social facilities and other necessary for human life: scientists, designers, architects, hygienists, specialists of labor protection. Our magazine is interesting for those who are not indifferent to the problems of energy efficiency and energy saving, the quality of lighting, the life cycle of lighting installations and lighting control systems. The materials published in the journal are important for those who are engaged in the purchase of lighting equipment and maintenance of lighting systems during installation and operation.

Our publications affect the interests of people who are keen on light architecture and design, those who want to make life of people comfortable and safe and are interested in the influence of light on human health, those who care about the evening look of their city.

More than 30% of the members of the editorial board are represented by outstanding experts of the world, including two former and current CIE presidents: Wout van Bommel, Franz Hengstberger, and Yoshi Ohno. England in the editorial staff of the journal is represented by two leading experts: Lou Bedocs and Peter R. Boyce. The journal has correspondent points in countries such as Argentina, Turkey, India, Finland, Greece, etc.

Chief editors of the journal:

1932 – 1933 – Topchijan E.N.

1933 – 1938 – Lev Davidovich Belkind

1939 – 1955 – the journal was not published

1955 – 1968 – the publication was resumed by prof. Meskov Vladimir Vasilevich

1969 – 2016 – Aizenberg Julian Borisovich

2017 – Budak Vladimir Pavlovich