
This article discusses the issues of modelling the human centric lighting environment using computer graphics methods. Modern computer graphics programs allow for the calculation of spatial-angular distribution of luminance, a fundamental characteristic that shapes the visual perception of a scene. Richard Kelly, the founder of lighting design, states in his works that the main aspect of the comfortable visual luminous environment creating is the distribution of luminance in space. Analysing the spatial-angular distribution of luminance allows for a new stage in the evolution of assessing the quality of lighting in a simulated or real environment. By solving the task of forming a set of photometric parameters for human centric lighting (HCL) within this research, the possibility of designing a lighting installation for a specified lighting quality using computer graphics methods is demonstrated. The term human centric lighting refers to lighting that considers both the visual and non-visual effects of light on humans, starting from the visual representation of the environment and visual comfort, and extending to the impact on sleep quality, wakefulness, mood, and human behaviour. This article presents a lighting quality criterion based on spatial-angular distribution of luminance and a developed psychophysical scale, which together allow for the assessment of lighting quality using computer graphics methods.
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- human centric lighting
- spatial-angular distribution of luminance
- quality criterion
- psychophysical scale
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