
Interests are vastly growing on optical wireless communication (OWC) technology in recent times. This technology is mostly used where fibber-optic or wired communication technology cannot be used. However, the main constraints of this OWC technology are the attenuation of the laser power due to different atmospheric effects. This paper investigates the effects on the 1550 nm laser link in the various simulated atmospheric conditions, such as rain, fog, and heat in terms of signal to noise ratio (SNR), bit error rate (BER), optical power attenuation with the help of some pre-established models etc. For analysing the previously mentioned parameters in different simulated atmospheric conditions, a 10 MHz, NRZ-OOK, OWC communication channel has been established using fibber coupled acousto-optic modulator (FCAOM), and all the parameters are measured for 18 m link range. The peculiarity of this article is that the calculations and results have been made with keeping in mind the Indian atmospheric conditions. Indian weather report data has been used to do so.
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