Modern light sources (light emitting diodes, organic light emitting diodes) have considerable flexibility in creating a wide range of colours and brightness of lighting devices and monitors in which they are used. Evaluation of the homogeneity of the chromaticity of radiation is carried out using the colour thresholds obtained in the McAdam experiment and named after their shape McAdam ellipses. This experiment was carried out under the same observation conditions. Their application in practice is limited and requires research in a wide range of observation conditions. To date, in colorimetry, there is a colour perception model CIECAM02, which is approved by the CIE (International Commission on Illumination). This model allows you to recalculate the chromaticity coordinates for observation conditions that are different from the initial conditions. In this work, a model of the CIECAM02 algorithm is implemented and a study is made of the transformation of McAdam ellipses under changing observation conditions. The result of the study demonstrates the change in the position of the ellipses on the CIE 1931 colour chart, as well as their shape. The data obtained allow us to speak about the relevance of further research on the perception of white colour radiation in a wide range of chromaticity and brightness in order to improve the algorithms of the colour perception model.
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- McAdam ellipse
- colour temperature
- adaptation luminance
- chromatic adaptation
- colour appearance model
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