on the manuscript “……..”
No |
Title of the evaluation points of the manuscript |
Yes |
No |
1. |
Does the article correspond to the profile of the journal? |
2. |
Is the scientifical problem being solved clearly defined? |
3. |
Is the method of research chosen correctly? |
4. |
Have the author taken into account the latest publications on the subject of the article? |
5. |
Has the author evaluated the results of the work and conclusions? |
6. |
Does the title correspond to the content of the article? |
7. |
Does the content of the abstract correspond to the results of the research? |
8. |
Does the article comply with the requirements? |
- the volume of the article |
- keywords |
- references |
- formulas |
9. |
Are the drawings and photographs correct? |
- quality of illustrations (high - low) |
- Is there a numbering for all tables and figures? |
- the availability of names for all tables and figures |
10. |
What is the value of the work? (high - low): |
- scientific: |
- practical utility |
11. |
Advisability of abbreviations: |
- text |
- figures |
- references |
12. |
Evaluation of manuscript language |
13. |
General assessment and conclusion on the possibility of publication: |
- requires minor refinement taking into account the comments of the reviewer |
- requires a major corrections and re-review |
To the publication in the journal "Light & Engineering" is recommended |
14. |
Comments and additional recommendations to the author: (each answer "No" should be clarified by one or more comments) |
15. |
Additional information and considerations for the editors |
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