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Estimation of Insolation of the Mirror Hall of a Unique Building L&E, Vol.30, No.4, 2022

Light & Engineering 30 (4)

Volume 30
Date of publication 08/10/2022
Pages 42–48

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Estimation of Insolation of the Mirror Hall of a Unique Building L&E, Vol.30, No.4, 2022
Articles authors:
Alexander T. Dvoretsky, Alexei A. Zavaliy, Alexander V. Spiridonov, Igor L. Shubin

Alexander T. Dvoretsky, Prof., Dr. of Technical Science, graduated from Donetsk Polytechnic Institute in 1971. At present, he is the head of the Chair “Geometric and Computer Modelling of Energy Efficient Buildings”of Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky, counsellor of Russian Academy of Architecture

Alexei A. Zavaliy, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor. In 1984, he graduated from the Kharkov Order of Lenin Aviation Institute, named after N.I. Zhukovsky. At present, he is the Head of Department General Technical Disciplines at Agro-technological Academy of the V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University

Alexander V. Spiridonov, Ph.D., graduated from MPEI in 1975 as specialist in light and engineering and sources of light. At present, he is a head of laboratory “Energy saving technologies in construction” NIISF RAASN, President of Association of Energy Effective Windows Manufacturers, Laureate of the Russian Federation Government prize in the field of science and technology

Igor L. Shubin, Prof., Dr. of Tech. Sc., graduated from University of Civil Engineering named after V.V. Kuibyshev in 1980. At present, he is Director of NIISF RAASN and counsellor in RAASN, RF Honoured Builder, Laureate of the Russian Federation Government Prize in the field of science and technology

For studying of insolation of architectural objects with mirror walls, reflected solar radiation shall be accounted for. Most ways of insolation duration estimation are based on geometry of visible solar path, namely the geometrical model of the process of insolation of a point of Earth surface. This model is the daily cone of sunrays. At the same time, there is a daily cone of reflected sunrays in a point of a reflective surface. Using this model, insolation of a mirror reception hall in a unique building in the Russian South was studied. Geometric modelling has shown that on the floor of the hall of mirrors in some areas there is an addition of three reflected from the faces and the corresponding direct beams of solar radiation. The shots made by means of the thermal camera testo 882 have confirmed reliability of the proposed geometrical model.
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