On the basis of the previous examinations of the historical windows of the main building of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts by the authors [1] using a certified software package, the multi-variant analysis of the methods of increasing efficiency of the existing translucent structures was conducted. The recommendations for restoration of the historical translucent structures which are the parts of this state-protected cultural heritage object were developed.
1. Alexander V. Spiridonov and Nina P. Umnyakova “Inspection of the State (General and Instrumental) of Historical Translucent Structuresof the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts”// Light&Engineering Journal, 2019, V.27, #3, pp.26-31. 2. “Complex reconstruction, restoration and adaptation to modern museum technologies of the major building of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow, Volkhonka Str., 12)” [Documentation prepared by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Central Scientific and Restoration Design Workshops]. 3. WINDOW TEST Software Including THERM and WINDOW User’s Manual. Moscow, APROK-TEST, 2006, 140 p. 4. SP 131.13330.2012. Building climatology. The updated version of SNiP 23-01-99. 5. SP 50.13330.2012 Thermal performance of the buildings. The updated version of SNiP 23-02-2003. 6. International Charters for Conservation and Restoration. Chapter1. Monuments and Sites. ICOMOS, 2004, 184 p. URL: Monuments_and_Sites_1_Charters.pdf (reference date 20.09.2018).
- restoration
- historical translucent structure
- frame
- sash
- impost
- computer modelling
- computer calculations
- heat transfer resistance
- air permeability
- condensate
- recommendations
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