
Due to the intensification of historical buildings restoration works that are cultural monuments and related to architectural monuments, numerous questions arise about the possibility of increasing the efficiency of translucent structures, including their energy efficiency, using modern innovative technologies. The cost of competent reconstruction of windows and lanterns with the preservation of historical elements is much higher than the cost of standard modern structures, as a result of which there are numerous examples of barbaric illegal replacement of historical windows with modern ones. This not only spoils the appearance of buildings, but also contradicts federal laws (with all the ensuing consequences). Earlier, NIISF RAASN carried out multifactorial field studies of historical translucent coverings of a cultural monument of federal significance – the main building of the Pushkin Museum, on the basis of which their inconsistency with modern requirements for such structures was established. According to the technical assignment and the project for the reconstruction of the building, 13 options were proposed for the possible restoration of these coatings. To assess the proposed options, a comprehensive computer simulation and corresponding calculations were carried out in accordance with the certified software package “WINDOW TECT”. On the basis of the conducted examinations and computer calculations, optimal solutions were proposed for the restoration of historical translucent coatings of the main building of the Pushkin Museum, providing for the preservation of the original elements of metal structures and ensuring an increase in the thermal characteristics of the lantern and side lamp.
1. Alexander V. Spiridonov and Nina P. Umnyakova Inspection of the State (General and Instrumental) of Historical Translucent Structures of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts// Light & Engineering, 2019, Vol. 27, # 3, pp. 26–31. 2. URL: SECTION_ID=605&ELEMENT_ID=106288&sphrase_id=3536914 (date of the application: 07.06.2019). 3. URL: SECTION_ID=605&ELEMENT_ID=99734&sphrase_id=3536942 (date of the application: 07.06.2019). 4. URL: SECTION_ID=605&ELEMENT_ID=107525&sphrase_id=3536945 (date of the application: 07.06.2019). 5. URL: (date of the application: 07.06.2019). 6. URL: SECTION_ID=609&ELEMENT_ID=91395&sphrase_id=3536934 (date of the application: 07.06.2019). 7. URL: SECTION_ID=374&ELEMENT_ID=100297&sphrase_id=3536936 (date of the application: 07.06.2019). 8. URL: SECTION_ID=605&ELEMENT_ID=105548&sphrase_id=3536940 (date of the application: 07.06.2019). 9. URL: SECTION_ID=605&ELEMENT_ID=105601&sphrase_id=3536939 (date of the application: 07.06.2019). 10. URL: SECTION_ID=605&ELEMENT_ID=104754&sphrase_id=3536933 (date of the application: 07.06.2019). 11. URL: SECTION_ID=605&ELEMENT_ID=106717&sphrase_id=3536918 (date of the application: 07.06.2019). 12. URL: SECTION_ID=605&ELEMENT_ID=105486&sphrase_id=3536946 (date of the application: 07.06.2019). 13. URL: SECTION_ID=605&ELEMENT_ID=98994&sphrase_id=3536938 (date of the application: 07.06.2019). 14. URL: SECTION_ID=605&ELEMENT_ID=104966&sphrase_id=3536958(date of the application: 07.06.2019). 15. URL: SECTION_ID=605&ELEMENT_ID=105915&sphrase_id=3536919 (date of the application: 07.06.2019). 16. URL: SECTION_ID=605&ELEMENT_ID=103759&sphrase_id=3536931 (date of the application: 07.06.2019). 17. URL: SECTION_ID=605&ELEMENT_ID=104669&sphrase_id=3536947 (date of the application: 07.06.2019). 18. URL: SECTION_ID=605&ELEMENT_ID=99820&sphrase_id=3536957 (date of the application: 07.06.2019). 19. URL: SECTION_ID=605&ELEMENT_ID=105548&sphrase_id=3536940 (date of the application: 07.06.2019). 20. URL: SECTION_ID=606&ELEMENT_ID=99645&sphrase_id=3536920 (date of the application: 07.06.2019). 21. URL: SECTION_ID=605&ELEMENT_ID=106122&sphrase_id=3536943 (date of the application: 07.06.2019). 22. Boriskina I.V., Isaikin A.S., Balakina A.E. Modern Windows for Historical Buildings and Architectural Monuments [Sovremennue okna dlya istoricheskikh zdani i pamyatnikov arkhitektyru]//St. Petersburg, 2019, 145 p. 23. Khalil А.M.R. et al. Implementing Sustainability in Retrofiting Heritage Buildings. Case Study: Villa Antoniadis, Alexandria, Egypt // Heritage, 2018, Vol. 1, # 1, pp. 57–87. 24. Alexander V. Spiridonov, Nina P. Umnyakova, and Valkin Boris L. Examination of Condition of Historical Transparent Structures of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts// Light & Engineering, 2020, Vol. 28, # 1, pp. 63–69. 25. “Comprehensive reconstruction, restoration and adaptation to modern museum technologies of the main building of the State Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin (Moscow, Volkhonka str., 12)” (documentation prepared by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Central Scientific and Restoration Design Workshops”). 26. User manual for the “WINDOW-TECT” software package as part of the “THERM”, “WINDOW” programs. M.: APROK-TEST, 2006, 140 p. 27. Alexander V. Spiridonov and Umnyakova Nina P. Computer Modelling and Recommendations for Restoration of the Historical Translucent Structures of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts// Light & Engineering, Vol. 27, # 6, pp. 58–64. 28. Scientific and technical report of NIISF RAASN on the topic: “Thermal calculations of the zone of the translucent coating of the object” Complex reconstruction, restoration and adaptation to modern museum technologies of the main building of the State Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin “. – M., 2018. – 88 p. 29. SP 131.13330.2012 “Construction climatology. Updated edition of SNiP 23–01–99 “. 30. GOST 26602.1–99 “Window and door blocks. Methods for determining resistance to heat transfer”. 31. GOST R54861–2011 “Windows and external doors. Methods for determining resistance to heat transfer”. 32. SP 50.13330.2012 “Thermal protection of buildings”, Updated edition of SNiP 23–02–2003 (with Amendment No. 1). 33. Scientific and technical report of NIIOSP named by N.M. Gersevanov on the topic “Complex reconstruction, restoration and adaptation to modern museum technologies of the main building of the State Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin (Moscow, Volkhonka st.,12), Vol. 4. Results of inspection of metal skylights of the building”, Moscow, 2015, 460 p. 34. Scientific and technical report of the Research Center “Construction” “On the corrosion resistance of existing bearing structures of the coating”. Volume 3, 2018, 109 p.
- restoration of old buildings
- historical translucent coatings
- computer modelling
- resistance to heat transfer
- condensation
- lantern
- sidelight
- recommendations
- translucent structures
- energy efficiency
- micro-climate parameters
- museum exhibition premises
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