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Ferrite-Free Closed-Loop 13,56 Mhz Inductively- Coupled Low Mercury Pressure UV Lamp L&E, Vol.30, No.2, 2022

Light & Engineering 30 (2)

Volume 30
Pages 55-61

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Ferrite-Free Closed-Loop 13,56 Mhz Inductively- Coupled Low Mercury Pressure UV Lamp L&E, Vol.30, No.2, 2022
Articles authors:
Rimma A. Ilikeeva, Svetlana A. Shilova, Oleg A. Popov, Vladimir A. Levchenko

Rimma A. Ilikeeva, Assistant Professor, Light Engineering Department, NRU MPEI

Svetlana A. Shilova, Master of Tech. Sciences. In 2021, she graduated from the Department of Lighting Engineering of the NRU MPEI. At present, she is lighting engineer in LLC “Tsentrsvet”

Oleg A. Popov, Dr. of Technical Sc., graduated from MPEI in 1965. He was a Professor of Light and Engineering Department at NRU MPEI from 2007 up to 25.11.2022 – the day of his death. 4.01.1943–25.11.2022

Vladimir A. Levchenko, Ph.D. in Phys-Math Sciences. He graduated from MIPT. At present, he is Deputy Head of the laboratory of LIT Company

Electrical and radiation characteristics of inductively-coupled ferrite-free low mercury pressure discharges exited at a frequency of 13.56 MHz and discharge plasma power, Ppl = (5 ? 300) W, in closed-loop quartz tubes of 815 mm in length and of 16.6 mm in diameter were experimentally stud-ied. Discharges were excited and maintained with the help of one-turn induction coil made from litz wire and disposed on the tube wall surface along tube perimeter. Tubes were filled with mercury vapour (~ 10Ц2 Torr) and argon (0.5, 0.7, 1.0, and 2.0) Torr. As discharge plasma power, Ppl, were increased from 130 W to 275 W, coil resonant frequency (RF) voltage grew from (560 ? 700) V up to (840 ? 860) V, RF coil current grew from (1.4 ? 1.8) A up to (2.4 ? 2.6) ј. Coil power losses was highest in the lamp with argon pressure of 0.5 Torr and grew from 30 W (Ppl = 150 W) to 70 W (Ppl = 230 W). UV resonant (254 nm) radiation flux grew with plasma power and was highest in the lamp (pAr = 0.5 Tоrr) while UV radiation generation ef-ficiency of this lamp had maximal value of 34 % at plasma power of 130 W.
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