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High Pressure Sulfur Microwave Lamps with Metal Halides Additives L&E, Vol.30, No.4, 2022

Light & Engineering 30 (4)

Volume 30
Date of publication 08/10/2022
Pages 102–106

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High Pressure Sulfur Microwave Lamps with Metal Halides Additives L&E, Vol.30, No.4, 2022
Articles authors:
Anrdrey I. Starostin, Igor V. Irkhin, Oleg A. Popov, Svetlana M. Bondarenko

Anrdrey I. Starostin, an engineer. Graduated from MPEI., VEI – branch of FSUE “RFNC VNIITF”

Igor V. Irkhin, Ph D. He graduated from MPEI. At present, he is the Leading Researcher, VEI – branch of FSUE “RFNC VNIITF”

Oleg A. Popov, Dr. of Technical Sc., graduated from MPEI in 1965. He was a Professor of Light and Engineering Department at NRU MPEI from 2007 up to 25.11.2022 – the day of his death. 4.01.1943–25.11.2022

Svetlana M. Bondarenko, Ph.D. She graduated from MPEI. At present, she is the Head of Department, VEI – branch of FSUE “RFNC VNIITF”

Effects of metal halides additives on radiation characteristics of microwave-driven high pressure sulphur lamp were experimentally studied. Electrodeless discharge was excited and maintained in the mixture of sulphur vapour (5–6) atmospheres and vapour of NaI (~ 0.07 Torr) and LiI (~ 0.12 Torr) at microwave frequency of 2.45 GHz and power of (280–560) W in the quartz spherical bulb of 35 mm in diameter inserted in the cylindrical resonator of 73 mm in diameter and 125 mm in height. To maintain bulb walls at homogeneous temperature, the bulb was rotated with the speed of the 12 r/c. It was found that the addition of low pressure sodium and lithium halides caused the increase of lamp efficacy by (11–13) %, colour temperature by 16 %, and colour rendering index by 4 %. To further improve lamp characteristics, the increase of additives partial pressures was recommended.
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