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Testing and Analysis of Characteristics of Low-Pressure Mercury and Amalgam Bactericidal UV Lamps by Various Manufacturers. L&E 27 (6) 2019

Light & Engineering 27 (6)

Volume 27
Date of publication 12/20/2019
Pages 112–122


Testing and Analysis of Characteristics of Low-Pressure Mercury and Amalgam Bactericidal UV Lamps by Various Manufacturers. L&E 27 (6) 2019
Articles authors:
Michael E. Allash, Leonid M. Vasilyak, Nikolay P. Eliseev, Oleg A. Popov, Dmitry V. Sokolov

Michael E. Allash, employee of Lighttech Kft

Leonid M. Vasilyak, Dr. of Phys. and Math. Science, Professor. Chief Researcher of the United Institute of High Temperatures (OIVT) of the Russian Academy of Science

Nikolay P. Eliseev, Ph.D. in Tech. Science. Associate Professor of the Lighting Engineering department of NRU MPEI

Oleg A. Popov, Dr. of Technical Sc., graduated from MPEI in 1965. He was a Professor of Light and Engineering Department at NRU MPEI from 2007 up to 25.11.2022 – the day of his death. 4.01.1943–25.11.2022

Dmitry V. Sokolov, Ph.D. in Tech. Science. Head of the Lighting Engineering Department of NPO LIT

The samples testing of bactericidal high-pressure UV lamps presented on the Russian Market showed their insufficient quality. These lamps were designed and manufactured based on the technical assignment of specific manufacturers or are copies of UV lamps by well-known brands but manufactured using own technology. Moreover, these devices do not comply with special aspects of UV irradiating equipment for water sterilisation such lamps may be used with by consumers.
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