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Application Of Solar Maps In Design Of Generalposition Shading Devices Light & Engineering Vol. 28, No. 6

Light & Engineering 28 (6)

Volume 28
Date of publication 12/21/2020
Pages 105–109


Application Of Solar Maps In Design Of Generalposition Shading Devices Light & Engineering Vol. 28, No. 6
Articles authors:
Alexander T. Dvoretsky, Oleg V. Sergeichuk, Alexander V. Spiridonov

Alexander T. Dvoretsky, Prof., Dr. of Technical Science, graduated from Donetsk Polytechnic Institute in 1971. At present, he is the head of the Chair “Geometric and Computer Modelling of Energy Efficient Buildings”of Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky, counsellor of Russian Academy of Architecture

Oleg V. Sergeichuk, Prof., Doctor of Technical Science, graduated from the Kiev National University of Construction and Architecture in 1975. The professor of the architectural department of the Kiev National University of Construction and Architecture

Alexander V. Spiridonov, Ph.D., graduated from MPEI in 1975 as specialist in light and engineering and sources of light. At present, he is a head of laboratory “Energy saving technologies in construction” NIISF RAASN, President of Association of Energy Effective Windows Manufacturers, Laureate of the Russian Federation Government prize in the field of science and technology

For insolation calculations and design of shading devices (SD) comprising plane sections or fins, the method based on solar maps shall be preferred because of its high descriptiveness and universality.The article describes the algorithm of design of a general-position SD using a solar map and a shade clinometer. An example of calculation of SD geometry parameters such as fin slopes with the horizontal plane and the facade plane, distance between the fins with consideration of screening of the translucent structure during the building cooling period and of transmission of solar radiation during its heating period is given in the article. A simplified formula of a general-position SD energy efficiency calculation is proposed.
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