
The wavelength is that natural scale that determines the applicability domains of the ray approximation and the wave approximation of light. If the change of the radiation power spatial density is significant at the wavelength scale, then we deal with the light diffraction phenomenon, which is a subject to the wave optics. Consider the diffraction phenomenon at the diaphragm. It is possible to distinguish the near zone with significant wave inhomogeneities (i.e. the Fresnel zone) and the far Fraunhofer diffraction zone, in which the wave becomes close to homogeneous (the so-called quasi-homogeneous) and the ray approximation is possible. The problem is that there is no explicit relationship between the radiance of the rays before and after diaphragm. Method for determining the boundary conditions for the radiance in the Fraunhofer zone through the radiance of the incident radiation is proposed in the paper. This approach for computing the radiance field in the Fraunhofer zone can be generalized to other problems of optics, thereby providing the possibility of using computationally efficient ray-approximation-based methods to determine the light fields.
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