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Accuracy Enhancement of the Two-Stream Radiative Transfer Model for Computing Absorption Bands at the Presence of Aerosols L&E, Vol. 29, No. 2, 2021

Light & Engineering 29 (2)

Volume 29
Date of publication 04/22/2021
Pages 79–86

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Accuracy Enhancement of the Two-Stream Radiative Transfer Model for Computing Absorption Bands at the Presence of Aerosols L&E, Vol. 29, No. 2, 2021
Articles authors:
Ana del Águila, Dmitry S. Efremenko

Ana del Águila graduated in Physics from the Granada University (UGR) in 2015. From 2016–2018 she worked as an early-stage researcher at the National Institute for Aerospace Technology (INTA) in Spain. At present, she is doing the Ph.D. in the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) with a DAAD/DLR scholarship. Her scientific interests are in-situ atmospheric aerosols, lidar systems, remote sensing, radiate transfer and Big Data analysis

Dmitry S. Efremenko, Ph. D. He graduated from the Moscow Power Engineering institute (MPEI) in 2009. He received his Ph. D. degree from the Moscow State University in 2011 and the habilitation degree from MPEI in 2017. Since 2011 he works as a Research Scientist at the German Aerospace Centre (DLR). He is a docent at the Technical University of Munich. He has over 70 peer-reviewed publications. His scientific interests include radiate transfer, remote sensing, and machine learning

The two-stream model is the fastest radiative transfer model among those based on the discrete ordinate method. Although its accuracy is not high enough to be used in applications, the two-stream model gets more attention in computationally demanding tasks such as line-by-line simulations in the gaseous absorption bands. For this reason, we designed the cluster low-streams regression (CLSR) technique, in which a spectrum computed with a two-stream model, is refined by using statistical dependencies between two- and multistream radiative transfer models. In this paper, we examine the efficiency of this approach for computing Hartley-Huggins, O2 A-, water vapour and CO2 bands at the presence of aerosols. The numerical results evidence that the errors of the CLSR method is not biased and around 0.05 %, while the performance enhancement is two orders of magnitude.
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