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Optimisation of Lighting Parameters of Irradiation in Light Culture of Lettuce Plants Using LED Emitters. L&E 27 (5) 2019

Light & Engineering 27 (5)

Volume 27
Date of publication 10/25/2019
Pages 43–54


Optimisation of Lighting Parameters of Irradiation in Light Culture of Lettuce Plants Using LED Emitters. L&E 27 (5) 2019
Articles authors:
Leonid B. Prikupets, George V. Boos, Vladislav G. Terekhov, Ivan G. Tarakanov

Leonid B. Prikupets, Ph. D. He graduated with honors from MPEI in 1970. At present, he is the head of laboratory in VNISI by S.I. Vavilov and member of Editorial Board of Svetotekhnika and Light & Engineering Journal

George V. Boos, Ph. D. of Technical Sciences, Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, laureate of State Prize of the Russian Federation, President of the International Lighting Engineering Corporation “BL Group”, Head of the Light and Engineering subdepartment of the National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute (NRU MPEI), Chairman of the Science and Engineering Council of the Russian Light and Engineering Industry, Chairman of International Technical Committee and National Technical Committee 332 of ROSSTANDARD (Light and Engineering Devices and Electrical Lighting). He graduated from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI) in 1986 with qualification of electrical engineer, by specialty in Light and Engineering and Light Sources

Vladislav G. Terekhov, Ph. D. He graduated with honors from the Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics, and Informatics with a degree in Applied Informatics in Economics. At present, he is General Director of SPC “SVETOKULTURA” and senior researcher of Ltd VNISI named after S.I. Vavilov

Ivan G. Tarakanov, Prof., Dr. of Biological Sc. He graduated in 1978 from the Moscow Agricultural Academy of K.A. Timiryazev. At present, he is a Head of Department “Plant Physiology” RGAU MTAA of K.A. Timiryazev

The results of the ending phase of photo biological studies of capacity of lettuce and basil grown in conditions of a phytotron with irradiation by radiation of different ratio of fractions in the red-blue and blue-green-red regions of photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) are presented.
The spectral variants of PAR providing the maximum or near to maximum capacity of the specified cultures are found.
The complex and multiple-valued nature of effect of main PAR spectral regions on photo energetic and photo regulatory processes in plants providing their capacity is highlighted, which makes it impossible to determine common unified requirements to optimal parameters of artificial irradiation for growing of plants. These requirements shall be defined on the basis of direct photo biological experiments with main species of agricultural plants and be the most important element of the general photo culture macro technology.
The general principles of fulfilment of the specified requirements to PAR spectra of phytoemitters are reviewed, including with consideration of setting of normal vision conditions for personnel of greenhouses and other protected ground structures.
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