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Influence of the Shape and Proportions of Window Openings and the Presence of External Window Wall Structures on the Luminous and Insolation Environment in the Premises L&E, Vol.31, No.2, 2023

Light & Engineering 31 (2)

Volume 31
Date of publication 04/14/2023
Pages 49–54

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Influence of the Shape and Proportions of Window Openings and the Presence of External Window Wall Structures on the Luminous and Insolation Environment in the Premises L&E, Vol.31, No.2, 2023
Articles authors:
Lyubov Yu. Gnedina

Lyubov Yu. Gnedina, Ph. D., Associate Professor. She graduated from the Ivanovo Power Energy Institute in 1981, Faculty of Civil Engineering, specialty – PGS, qualification – Civil Engineer. In 1999, she defended her Ph. D. thesis. At present, she is an Associate Professor at the Department of Architectural and Construction Design and Physics of the Environment, NRU MGSU. Also, she awarded with an honorary diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and her specialization is in the field of thermo-technical calculations of building materials and building structures. The general list of her scientific papers is more than 70 titles

The article deals with issues related to ensuring the required parameters of the luminous environment in the premises of civil buildings with a lateral system of daylighting in them while simultaneously ensuring the necessary duration of insolation in these premises. It is noted that in modern architectural and construction practice, these requirements can be met, in particular, through the use of various shapes and proportions of window openings, as well as through the use of window wall structures of various types. On the basis of the conducted research, it was concluded that this approach is promising, since it fully meets modern requirements for the creation of energy-efficient buildings based on passive (natural) methods that ensure a normal microclimate of the internal environment in the premises solely due to specific architectural and structural design techniques.
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