This paper deals with the problem of creating the basis of microclimate regulations and increasing the energy efficiency of various types of curtain walls in relation to the building thermal air envelope. The aim of the study is to distribute the heat flux flowing through the experimental envelope and determine the minimum temperature on the inner surface of the facade to develop a heat transfer model and increase the energy efficiency of curtain walls. The research methods are known scientific and technical results analytical generalization, the processes under study physical and mathematical modelling, the provisions theory of probability and mathematical statistics implementation, and fullscale experimental research. A computational model of heat transfer through curtain walls of various types is developed in relation to multiple reflections (absorption) of their surfaces in hot climatic conditions when the heat flux of beam and diffuse solar radiation passes through. Optimization of curtain wall with modern shading systems is considered. Comparison of the characteristics of similar experimental setup with traditional translucent curtain walls confirms the simulation. The proposed curtain wall with shading systems significantly improves the energy performance in the warm season compared to traditional curtain walls. A methodology based on modern computational methods that allow more accurate consideration of heat transfer through curtain walls in relation to the insolation of thermal building air envelope was developed. The methodology improves the quality of building design and microclimate and energy savings for indoor air conditioning.
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- building
- space
- insolation
- structure
- facade system
- temperature
- microclimate
- energy efficiency
- energy savings
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