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 Light & Engineering 26 (3)

Light & Engineering 26 (3)

Volume 26
Date of publication 09/28/2018
Pages 140–142


ElectrodeLess FerriteFree ClosedLoop InductivelyCoupled Fluorescent Lamp. L&E 26 (3) 2018
Articles authors:
Oleg A. Popov, Pavel V. Starshinov, Victoriya N. Vasina

Oleg A. Popov, Dr. of Technical Sc., graduated from MPEI in 1965. He was a Professor of Light and Engineering Department at NRU MPEI from 2007 up to 25.11.2022 – the day of his death. 4.01.1943–25.11.2022

Pavel V. Starshinov, M. Sc. He graduated from Lighting Engineering Department of NRU MPEI in 2015. Postgraduate student of Lighting Engineering Department

Victoriya N. Vasina, student of the chair Light and Engineering NRU MPEI

Electrode-less ferrite-free inductivelycoupled low pressure discharge was excited in the mixture of mercury vapour (~10–2 Torr) and argon (0.1 Torr) at a frequency of 2.0 MHz and lamp RF powers of (150–202) W with the help of a 6turn induction coil. The discharge lamp of rectangular shape (50 cm in length and 7 cm in height) employed a closed-loop glass tube of 30 mm in diam. Tube walls inner surface was coated with three-color phosphor (Тcc = 3100 K, Ra = 80). The induction coil made from silver-coated copper wire (ρw = 2.2x10–3 Ohm/cm) was disposed on the atmospheric side of tube walls, along closed-loop lamp tube perimeter. As plasma power, Ppl, grew from 127W to 180 W, coil power losses practically were unchanged, Pcoil = (25–22) W. Lamp luminous flux, Фv, grew with plasma power from 10430 lm (Ppl =127 W) to 13500 lm (Ppl =180 W), while plasma efficacy, ηpl = Фv/Ppl, decreased from 82 to 75 lm/W, and lamp efficacy ηV = Фv/(Ppl + Pcoil) decreased from 70 to 67 lm/W.
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