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High Efficiency Ferrite-Free Closed-Loop InductivelyCoupled Low Mercury Pressure Discharge UV Lamps. L&E 28 (3) 2020

Light & Engineering 28 (3)

Volume 28
Date of publication 06/01/2020
Pages 75–79


High Efficiency Ferrite-Free Closed-Loop InductivelyCoupled Low Mercury Pressure Discharge UV Lamps. L&E 28 (3) 2020
Articles authors:
Pavel V. Starshinov, Oleg A. Popov, Rimma A. Ilikeeva, Darya A. Bureeva, Igor V. Irkhin, Vladimir A. Levchenko, Gennady P. Terekhov

Pavel V. Starshinov, M. Sc. He graduated from Lighting Engineering Department of NRU MPEI in 2015. Postgraduate student of Lighting Engineering Department

Oleg A. Popov, Dr. of Technical Sc., graduated from MPEI in 1965. He was a Professor of Light and Engineering Department at NRU MPEI from 2007 up to 25.11.2022 – the day of his death. 4.01.1943–25.11.2022

Rimma A. Ilikeeva, Assistant Professor, Light Engineering Department, NRU MPEI

Darya A. Bureeva, student of Lighting Engineering Department of NRU MPEI

Igor V. Irkhin, Ph D. He graduated from MPEI. At present, he is the Leading Researcher, VEI – branch of FSUE “RFNC VNIITF”

Vladimir A. Levchenko, Ph.D. in Phys-Math Sciences. He graduated from MIPT. At present, he is Deputy Head of the laboratory of LIT Company

Gennady P. Terekhov (1960–2022) graduated from Tula Polytechnic Institute (TPI) in 1987. He was an Assistant of the Light and Engineering sub-department of NRU MPEI.

Radiation and electrical characteristics of ferrite-free closed-loop inductively-coupled low mercury pressure UV lamps of 375 mm in length and 120 mm in width were experimentally studied. Discharges were excited at a frequency of 1.7 MHz and lamp RF power, Рlamp = (95–170) W. It was in quartz closed-loop tubes of 16.6 mm in inner diam. and of 815 mm in length, in the mixture of mercury vapour (7 х 10–3 mm Hg) with Ar (0.7 and 1.0 mm Hg) and with the mixture of 30 % Ne + 70 % Ar (0,7 and 1,0 mm Hg). The 3-turn induction coil made from litz wire with a low specific linear resistance (ρw = 1.4 x 10–4 Ohm/cm) was disposed on the lamp surface along the closed-loop tube perimeter. In lamps with buffer gas pressure of 1,0 mm Hg, the increase of lamp power from 95 to 150 W caused the decrease of induction coil power losses, Pcoil, from (6–7) W to (3–4) W. Also in these lamps increased induction coil power efficiency, ƞcoil = 1 – Pcoil/Plamp, from 92 % to 97 % and lamp UV radiation (λ = 254 nm) generation efficiency, ƞe, 254, from 57 % to 66 %. The decrease of buffer gas pressure from 1.0 to 0.7 mm Hg caused the decrease of ƞe, 254 by (10–20)%.
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