The article describes the issues of strategic planning and legal regulation of activities aimed at energy saving and energy efficiency in the Russian Federation. The authors set the goal to determine the directions for strategic planning of the energy saving policy of the Russian Federation based on a comparative legal analysis in order to achieve the goals of sustainable development of an energysaving economy. The article considers advanced technologies designed to ensure the most effective implementation of the provisions of legal acts adopted in the last decade in Russia. The methodology of this scientific research is the use of hermeneutics, interpreting legal texts and application of formal logical instruments within the system analysis of current Russian strategic planning acts for longterm (mediumterm) period to coordinate the activities of economic entities and public authorities in the appropriate direction. Besides, it includes normative acts that establish the legal, economic and organizational basis for stimulating energy conservation and improving energy efficiency as well as legal documents of other countries that determine their policies in this area. The authors come to the conclusion that it is required to consult various specialists, including ophthalmologists, when creating norms of Russian legislation in the field of energy saving; to account for technical and technological characteristics of LED (light emitting diode) modules, chips, other light sources; to take into consideration the possibility of their use in various fields in order to achieve energy efficiency.
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- electric power industry
- energy saving
- energy efficiency
- LED light sources
- lamps
- energysaving technologies
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