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Design & Development of a Solar Powered, CCT changing R-B-W LED Based Artificial Window. L&E 26 (4) 2018

Light & Engineering 26 (4)

Volume 26
Date of publication 12/20/2018
Pages 191–198


Design & Development of a Solar Powered, CCT changing R-B-W LED Based Artificial Window. L&E 26 (4) 2018
Articles authors:
Basudeb Das, Asit Kumar Sur, Saswati Mazumdar

Basudeb Das, M.E. He is currently working towards the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering. His research interests include optical wireless communication, CCT changing lighting system, solar powered dynamic lighting system, and electronic control of light

Asit Kumar Sur is a Visiting Demonstrator for Master’s courses on Illumination Engineering course, Jadavpur University since 2004, consultant engineer in designing of various digital electronic projects for 35 years in different companies. His research interest includes electronics, power electronics and solar system based lighting technology

Saswati Mazumdar, Ph. D, Professor.of Electrical Engineering, Jadavpur University (JU), Kolkata, India. She has 36 years of experience in Lighting Research and Teaching. Developed a modernized Illumination Engineering laboratory in Electrical Engineering Department, Jadavpur University. Have founded two Masters’ Courses on Illumination Engineering (Daytime) and Illumination Technology & Design (Evening) in JU. Executed many R&D and Consultancy Projects on Illumination and allied fields

The concept of Artificial Window is being applied in indoor lighting design since couple of years and is easily available in market, but the main drawback of these artificial windows is their constant CCT (Correlated Colour Temperature) light output. The developed artificial window is a CCT changing system, which follows the preset pattern of daylight CCT throughout the day. It will very effective for those, who stay in a window­less room or a closed room. It is known that light not only has the visual effects but also has photo­biological effects. A dynamic light is very helpful in well being, positive mood, increased concentration, alertness consequently increased productivity. The developed system is solar powered at daytime; this window is powered by the SPV module directly without using battery. A small battery is being charged simultaneously which powers the system at night time. The window is made using two types of coloured LEDs: Red and Blue and Warm White LED. The new concept of dynamic lighting provides a very wide CCT range from 2300 K to 10800 K.
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