Light & Engineering 31 (6)
Volume 31Date of publication 12/13/2023
Pages 1-135
Alexei A. Korobko Method for Calculating the Asymmetric Luminous Intensity Distribution for the Road Lighting Luminaire
Sermin Onaygil, Onder Guler, and M. Berker Yurtseven Evaluation of LED Luminaire Utilizatıon in Road Lighting Installations in Terms of Electrical Energy Qualty
Vladimir P. Budak and Victor S. Zheltov Mathematical Modelling in Light and Engineering Education
Nina A. Molchina and Tatiana N. Magera Daylight Quality Assessment of Rooms with Lateral Daylighting by the Room Light Saturation Criterion
Sergey Yu. Pleshkov, Gennaro Bracale, and Alexander L. Kuznetsov Study of Transmission Efficiency and Energy of a Light Beam in a Mirrored Hollow Tubular Light Guide
Sobitjon S. Tolipov, Madridbek M. Mamazhanov, and Farida S. Agisheva Lights of the City of Tashkent: the History of One Project
Andrey V. Aladov, Alexander L. Zakgeim, Anton E. Ivanov, and Anton E. Chernyakov High-Power AlGaInN LED Emitter for Solid-State Lasers Pumping
Nadezhda P. Kondrateva, Ramis Z. Akhatov, Roman G. Bolshin, Maria G. Krasnolutskaya, and Vasily V. Selunskiy Digital Automation of Energy-Efficient In Vitro Irradiation of Orchard Plum Micro Cuttings
Vladimir P. Budak and Anton V. Grimailo Energy Calculation of Optical Systems: Direct Monte-Carlo Method Modification
Ayse Nihan Avci Assessment of Daylighting in a Historical Educational Building: Ankara University Faculty of Science Analytical Chemistry Laboratory
Selim Borekci, Nihal C. Acar, Suayip Ozdem, and Ali Kircay Design and Implementation of A LED Driver Circuit with Dimming Function without Burst Mode at Constant Switching Frequency
Fehri Krout, Mourad Talbi, Nawel Mensia, and Radhouane Chtourou Creating GUI under LabVIEW for Parameters Identification of a Photovoltaic Module
Guohua Yang, Qianqian Luo, and Jianjun Wu Automatic Control Method for Street Lights in Unideal Lighting Environments Based on Deep Learning
Sevda Aliparast and Sermin Onaygil Energy Effıcıent Human Centered Offıce Lıghtıng: A Case Study on Open Plan Offıce wıth Absent Access to Daylıght
Junliang Li, Tongyue Wang, and Luoxi Haov Analysis of Bedroom Light Illumination and Sleep Quality of Elderly People at Bedtime
Ilya V. Surkov, Maxim A. Fenik, Victoria A. Rybina, and Andrey N. Turkin Spectrum Modelling as a Method for Temperature Correction of Organic Light Emitting Diodes Based on Three-Component Structures
Ryuma Senba, Yu Maruyama, and Motoharu Takao Diurnal Modulation of Pupillary Light Reflex
Nurefsan Sonmez and Arzu Cilasun Kunduraci Enhancing Daylight Availability in Historical Buildings through Tubular Daylight Guidance Systems: A Simulation-Based Study
Shujian Dai, Tongyue Wang, Rongdi Shao, and Luoxi Haor Research on Lighting Environment Design Strategies in Obstetric Spaces Based on the Whole Process of Natural Childbirth: A Case Study of Labour, Delivery, and Recovery Rooms in Xiamen Lotus Hospital