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Active Area Temperature Measurement of Medium-Power LEDs by Dynamics Changes in Forward Voltage during Current Heating and Cooling L&E, Vol.31, No.5, 2023

Light & Engineering 31 (5)

Volume 31
Date of publication 10/10/2023
Pages 127–134

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Active Area Temperature Measurement of Medium-Power LEDs by Dynamics Changes in Forward Voltage during Current Heating and Cooling L&E, Vol.31, No.5, 2023
Articles authors:
Feodor I. Manyakhin, Dmitry O. Varlamov, Arkady A. Skvortsov, Lyudmila O. Mokretsova, Vladimir K. Nikolaev

Feodor I. Manyakhin, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor. In 1973, he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering (MIEM). At present, he is Professor of the Automatic Design sub-department of NITU MISiS, author and coauthor of more than 160 publications. Dr. Manyakhin awarded with diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, prize winner of the Golden Names of Higher Education 2018 contest in nomination of Contribution to Science and Higher Education. His research interests are semiconductor electronics, physics of semiconductor devices

Dmitry O. Varlamov, engineer. He graduated from Moscow Machinery Engineering University in 2005. Currently he is the Senior Lecturer at the Electric Equipment and Industrial Electronics sub-department of Moscow Polytechnic University, author and coauthor of more than 40 publications. His research interests are microcontroller systems, light emitting diodes

Arkady A. Skvortsov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Currently he is a Head of subdepartment of Moscow Polytechnic University, author and co-author of more than 150 articles and monographs on semiconductor material studies and problems of degrading of metallisation systems and contacts in micro and nano electronic systems

Lyudmila O. Mokretsova, Associate Professor, Ph. D. in Technical Sciences. In 1978, she graduated from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (MISIS). At present, she is Associate Professor of the Automatic Design sub-department of NITU MISIS, prize winner of the Golden Names of Higher Education 2018 contest in nomination of Introduction of Innovative Teaching Techniques. Her research interests: 3D modelling in light design

Vladimir K. Nikolaev, Ph. D. in Economics Sciences. At present, he is researcher at the Department of Dynamics, Strength of Machines and Strength of Materials at Moscow Polytechnic University. Author (co-author) of more than 25 scientific articles and monographs on microelectronics and organization of production of enterprises in the instrument-making industry

The most common non-destructive methods of measuring the temperature of the active area of light emitting diodes (LEDs) are briefly analysed and their disadvantages are pointed out. Measurements of the temperature of the active area of medium-power LEDs by the dynamics of change in the direct voltage during heating by currents of different densities and in the process of cooling in the mode of flow of small, so-called measuring current, which not cause heating of LEDs, are presented. An electrical scheme realising the used method is given. The results of measurements show that the thermal resistance of LED, determined by the results of measuring the temperature of the active area by the proposed method, is greater than the reference value. The comparison of the results of temperature measurements using traditional methods of analysing the radiation spectra of LEDs and the temperature dependence of direct voltage is carried out.
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