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Modelling of the Solar-Light Climate of Mountain Terrain is a Prerequisite for Assessing the Insolation and Illumination of Premises L&E, Vol.31, No.3, 2023

Light & Engineering 31 (3)

Volume 31
Date of publication 06/13/2023
Pages 118–131

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Modelling of the Solar-Light Climate of Mountain Terrain is a Prerequisite for Assessing the Insolation and Illumination of Premises L&E, Vol.31, No.3, 2023
Articles authors:
Adham I. Giyasov

Adham I. Giyasov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. In 1975, he graduated from the Tajik Polytechnic Institute (renamed Tajik Technical University named after academician M.S. Osimi in 1992). He is Professor of the Department of Architectural and Construction Design and Physics of the Environment at NRU MGSU. His area of scientific interests is energy-efficient buildings, architectural and construction physics, insolation, aerodynamics, and urban ecology

The article analyses the current documents regulating the requirements of the insolation of premises and urban areas, as well as the solar-light regime of territories depending on the boundaries of zones along geographical latitudes for the conditions of complex mountainous terrain in order to identify their degree of study. In this regard, it is determined that in the above maps, the zoning of territories, countries on mountainous terrain are highlighted as an unexplored or poorly studied zone in terms of climatic and solar-light factors. The indicators of the solar-light climate of mountain territories characterized by a special insolation-light-climatic condition are highlighted. The algorithm for solving the problem is defined, which includes the assessment and analysis of the solar-light climate of a characteristic mountainous complex relief, revealing the influence of complex relief on light-climatic characteristics.
A methodology for assessing qualitative and quantitative indicators of solar radiation, the state of the atmosphere, the probability and duration of sunshine, the magnitude and nature of changes in time of direct, scattered, reflected, and total radiation coming to horizontal and variously oriented inclined, vertical surfaces, the ratio of the latter on complex mountainous terrain potentially construction, causing the solar-light environment of buildings are considered.
It is established that the information material obtained on the basis of research on the amount of radiation coming from the solar dome on inclined surfaces of various orientations allows us to more accurately take into account its effect on the indoor light-climatic regime and, along with it, determines the direction of further research when assessing also the factors of indoor microclimate and thermo-physical characteristics of enclosing structures.
A method for modelling characteristic landforms with determining their typology has been developed and a regularity has been established for the flow of direct, scattered, reflected and total solar radiation to differently oriented slopes, which determine the light climate of building premises, which can serve to assess its insolation-light-climatic regime, as well as to correct the calculation method of illuminance levels.
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