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Assessment of Argentinean LED Luminaries  for Street Lighting L&E 28 (1) 2020

Light & Engineering 28 (1)

Volume 28
Date of publication 02/20/2020
Pages 51–57


Assessment of Argentinean LED Luminaries for Street Lighting L&E 28 (1) 2020
Articles authors:
Pablo R. Ixtaina, Agustín A. Pucheta, Carlos Lionel Colonna, Nicolás Bufo

Pablo R. Ixtaina, Prof., graduated from Universidad Nacional de La Plata Electrical Engineer. At present, he is researcher of the Comisión de Investigaciones CIentíficas (Buenos Aires, Arg.). He has carried out postgraduate studies, improvement work and scientific visits at the National University of Tucumán, La Plata National University, Optical Research Center Ciop, LMT Laboratory (Berlin, Germany), Philips Lighting Application Center (Eindhoven, Holland). He is Director of the Laboratorio de Acústica y Luminotecnia, LAL, Buenos Aires Official Research Centre in Light and Sound. He is member of the “Public Lighting” Commission of the Argentinean National Standards (IRAM). He has about 40 publications in Scientific and Technical Journals, Acts of Congresses and journals of science spreading

Agustín A. Pucheta graduated from Universidad Nacional de La Plata Electromechanical Engineer and CIC Internal Scholar. He has completed postgraduate studies at the National University of La Plata and visits to the LMT Laboratory (Berlin, Germany). He is currently developing his activities in the area of Luminotecnia of the Laboratory of Acoustics and Luminotecnia – CIC

Carlos Lionel Colonna graduated from Universidad Nacional de La Plata Electronic Engineer, CIC Doctoral fellow. He has completed postgraduate studies at the National University of La Plata. He is currently developing his activities in the area of Luminotecnia of the Laboratory of Acoustics and Luminotecnia – CIC

Nicolás Bufo, CIC technician. He is currently developing his activities in the area of Luminotecnia of the Laboratory of Acoustics and Luminotecnia – CIC

The work presents a statistical summary of the results obtained in the photometric, thermal, chemical and mechanical tests carried out in the Laboratorio de Acústica y Luminotecnia (LAL) for street lighting luminaires with LED technology in the period 2017/18. The study covers 152 luminaires and includes samples from different manufacturers or origin, same type or model (for example, a same body) with different alternatives of LED plates. The results of luminance and illuminance evaluations carried out in converted facilities (or in the test stage) are also discussed. The results presented are important both for importers and manufacturers of LED luminaires and for designers and installers, since they allow visualizing the points that deserve attention in order to achieve a product of suitable quality.
1. República Argentina. Ministerio de Energía y Minería (2018). Especificación Técnica para la adquisición de luminarias LED para Alumbrado Público. (Argentinian Republic. Ministry of Energy and Mining (2018). Technical Specification for the acquisition of LED Street Lighting luminaires. files/especificaciones_tecnicas_2.pdf.
2. NORMA IRAM-AADL J 2021 (2015). Alumbrado público. Luminarias para vías de tránsito. Requisitos y métodos de ensayo. (IRAM-AADL J 2021 Standard (2015). Street lighting. Luminaires for traffic routes. Requirements and test methods).
3. NORMA IRAM-AADL J 2022–1 (2013). Alumbrado público. Luminarias. Clasificación fotométrica. (IRAM-AADL J 2022–1 Standard (2013). Street lighting. Luminaires. Photometric classification).
4. NORMA IRAM-AADL J 2020–4 (2014). Luminarias para vías públicas. Características de diseño. Luminarias LED. (IRAM-AADL J 2020–4 Standard (2014). Luminaires for public roads. Design features LED luminaires).
5. NORMA IRAM-AADL J 2028 (1987). Luminarias. Requisitos generales y métodos de ensayo. (IRAM-AADL J 2028 Standard (1987). Luminaires General requirements and test methods).
6. IEC62262 Ed. 1.0 b (2002). Degrees of protection provided by enclosures for electrical equipment against external mechanical impacts (IK code).
7. Norma IRAM 121 (1957). Ensayo de revestimientos. Prueba de exposición a la niebla de sal. (IRAM 121 Standard (1957). Coatings test. Exposure test to salt fog).
8. ASTM B117 (2016). Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus.
9. Norma IRAM 2444 (1982). Grados de protección mecánica proporcionada por las envolturas de equipos eléctricos. (IRAM Standard 2444 (1982). Degrees of mechanical protection provided by the wrappings of electrical equipment).
10. NORMA IRAM-AADL J 2022–2 (2013). Alumbrado público. Vías de tránsito. Clasificación y niveles de iluminación. (IRAM-AADL J 2022–2 Standard (2013). Street lighting. Traffic routes. Classification and lighting levels).
11. Ixtaina P., Armas A., Bannert B., Bufo N.(2016). Iluminación led en autopistas argentinas. Memorias del XIII Congreso Panamericano de Iluminación LUXAMÉRICA 2016. Pág. 192–196. ISBN978-956 368-059 1. La Serena, Chile, 23, 24 y 25 noviembre 2016.
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