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Implementation of Exhibition Lighting Concept as Means of Artistic Expression through Example of УRussian InsomniaФ Exhibition. L&E 27 (4) 2019

Light & Engineering 27 (4)

Volume 27
Date of publication 09/12/2019
Pages 59-65


Implementation of Exhibition Lighting Concept as Means of Artistic Expression through Example of УRussian InsomniaФ Exhibition. L&E 27 (4) 2019
Articles authors:
Karsten Winkels

Karsten Winkels graduated from the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering at the Technical University of Dortmund and from the West German Institute of Applied Lighting Engineering. At present, he is an Art Director of SvetoProekt, LLC, Moscow; Director General of WINKELS CONCEPTS, Dortmund, Germany; winner of many national and international awards in lighting engineering

The article focuses on the disclosure of the artistic possibilities of the exhibition lighting through the example of the УRussian insomniaФ exhibition. The key techniques in creating a museum exhibition, increasing the influence of lighting on the viewer, are highlighted. A process of creating a lighting project for an exhibition is presented in successive stages. The first stage is the development of the exhibition concept, which arranges the exhibited items in four halls. The second stage is the setting of artistic lighting tasks for each hall and the search for their solutions. The third stage is the technical implementation of the project.
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