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Illuminance and Luminance Based Ratios in the Scope of Performance Testing of a Light Shelf-Reflective Louver System in a Library Reading Room. L&E 27 (3) 2019

Light & Engineering 27 (3)

Volume 27
Date of publication 08/06/2019
Pages 39-46


Illuminance and Luminance Based Ratios in the Scope of Performance Testing of a Light Shelf-Reflective Louver System in a Library Reading Room. L&E 27 (3) 2019
Articles authors:
Merve Öner, Tuğçe Kazanasmaz

Merve Öner, M. Sc. in Architecture from Izmir Institute of Technology in 2017. She holds her undergraduate degree obtained from Yaşar University as B. Sc. (Eng) in Architecture in 2012. Her research topics are architectural lighting and computer based simulations. She is still a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Energy Engineering, Systems, Territory, and Construction in University of Pisa, Italy since 2017

Tugce Kazanasmaz, Dr. of Philosophy in Building Science from Middle East Technical University (METU), Professor. She has 21 years academic experience in architectural lighting, building physics, and energy-efficient design. At present, she is a Professor in the Department of Architecture at Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey

Uncontrolled daylight brings visual and thermal problems that may result in negative interactions with user comfort, productivity, well-being, and human health. Library spaces, in which reading, writing, and computer task activities are performed, need to be well designed in terms of daylight performance to enhance user satisfaction. The focus of this study is to make a performance test of a light shelfreflective louver system to improve the visual performance conditions of a library reading room. First, the instrumental monitoring of existing daylighting conditions was performed. Second, Relux model was prepared to evaluate luminance patterns and illuminance distribution. Third, a new light shelfreflective louver system was proposed based on the insufficiencies of the simulation results. The performance of the new system was found highly satisfactory based on the findings of enhanced luminance patterns and uniformity ratios especially at the points near the windows.
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