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Examining Occupancy and Architectural Aspects Affecting Manual Lighting Control Behaviour in Offices Based on a User Survey . L&E 26 (2) 2018

Light & Engineering 26 (2)

Volume 26
Date of publication 07/01/2018
Pages 139-147


Examining Occupancy and Architectural Aspects Affecting Manual Lighting Control Behaviour in Offices Based on a User Survey . L&E 26 (2) 2018
Articles authors:
Arzu Cilasun Kunduraci, Tuğçe Kazanasmaz, Truus HORDIJK

Arzu Cilasun Kunduraci, Ph. D., holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Architecture from Izmir Institute of Technology. She has 15 years of academic experience in lighting design, architectural design, and building physics. At present, she is an Assistant Professor in Department of Architecture in Yasar University, Turkey

Tugce Kazanasmaz, Dr. of Philosophy in Building Science from Middle East Technical University (METU), Professor. She has 21 years academic experience in architectural lighting, building physics, and energy-efficient design. At present, she is a Professor in the Department of Architecture at Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey

Assoc. Prof. Dr., held a Doctor of Philosophy from TU Delft. She has 31 years academic experience in building physics. At present, she is an Associate Professor Building Physics in the Faculty of Architecture in TU Delft

Further understanding the building occupantsТ needs and behaviors can reduce lighting energy consumption. This research explores how the occupancy and interior architectural aspects become effective in manual lighting control in offices. It involves a multiple sectioned questionnaire focusing on the possible architectural factors such as the desk position, the surface colors, the distance to window, the distance between desk and lighting switch, and inquiring participantsТ manual lighting control behavior through the photographs of modified interior layouts, surface colors and time intervals. Statistical methods are used to determine the significant aspects, which may reduce the use of lighting control. Interior layout, distance to window, time of the day, and number of occupants in the offices are the most significant contributions to the manual lighting control behavior. To pay attention in these contributions, it would be possible to reduce the use of electricity for lighting while user satisfaction increases.
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