
The article considers the categories of energy saving and energy efficiency in the aspect of State public interest. The implementation of energy saving policy is an independent public interest, as it allows solving some global, national tasks systematically. The article investigates the ratio of energy saving to the public interest in reducing the energy intensity of the Russian economy. The authors reveal the relationship between energy saving and public interest in ensuring national energy security of Russia. The authors consider energy saving as a factor contributing to the implementation of the actual public interest in the conservation of exhaustible natural resources reveal the relationship between energy saving and public environmental interest. A part of the article is devoted to the study of energy saving as a direction of state policy, allowing contributing to the preservation of the nation health. Energy saving is also considered in the aspect of public interest to increase the efficiency of budget spending to optimize public spending in the field of municipal authorities (for example, lighting). The authors correlate all the considered state public interests with the category of “national interest” in the context of the provisions of the national security Strategy of the Russian Federation.
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