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Optimisation of Illuminance of Municipal Facilities and Protection of Retail Power Consumers: Interdependence of Processes. L&E 27 (5) 2019

Light & Engineering 27 (5)

Volume 27
Date of publication 10/25/2019
Pages 127-133


Optimisation of Illuminance of Municipal Facilities and Protection of Retail Power Consumers: Interdependence of Processes. L&E 27 (5) 2019
Articles authors:
Gulnara F. Ruchkina, Sergei G. Pavlikov, Elena Yu. Matveeva

Gulnara F. Ruchkina, Dr. in Low of Science, Professor, an honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation; member of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation; Head of Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activity

Sergei G. Pavlikov, Professor of Activity Legal Regulation Department of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Doctor in Law Science, the faculty of law

Ph.D., an engineer economist and lawyer, graduated from the Moscow Forestry Engineering Institute in 1990, and in 2002 – the Russian Academy of State Service under the President of the RF. From 2005 to 2009 she was the Minister of Finance of Kaliningrad oblast. Since 2009 until present she is the CEO of BL GROUP LLC

The article characterises the main directions of optimisation of electric power market legal regulation including such its specific segment as illumination of cities within the context of determination of resources for increase of electric energy quality, its saving and protection of consumers (subscribers). Interdependence of the processes of enforcement of the rights and legal interests of electric energy consumers and one of the most energy demanding factors, lighting of municipal facilities, was discovered. It was found that guarantees for electric energy consumers specified by art. 38 of the Federal Law УOn Electric EnergyФ (prohibition of consumption limitations including the so called rolling blackouts, etc.) are detailed by subordinate legislation some items of which require clarification of legal categories of relations between the terms УwholesaleФ and УretailФ market of electric power.
The opinions of the Supreme Court announced in 2019, which provide higher level of legal protection of consumers as the weakest party of legal relations in the examined market, were subject to scientific analysis; it is justified that, in view of the requirements of art. 126 of the Constitution of Russia, they shall become a target for elimination of numerous contradictions in court practice regarding this matter.
Specific propositions on amendments (modification) of some federal laws and acts of the Government of the Russian Federation are specified.
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