The objective of the research is to determine the legal terms of the implementation of alternative ways of attracting investments in the energy saving technology industry. To achieve this goal, the authors examined economic and legal problems of fundraising in the industry of energy-saving technologies and grounded the importance of solving the problems for the lighting equipment industry. The article provides a comparative analysis of the volume of global investments in this area of the economy and identifies a number of problems hampering the access of innovative enterprises to investment for developing energy-saving technologies. The article considers an alternative way of raising funds for innovative startups in the field of energy saving, ICOs (ICO stands for Initial Coin Offering). The article, also, analyzes the ICO market with 14 current participants, energy-saving technologies companies. Furthermore, the authors looked at the legislative regulation of this raising capital method in energy saving and energy efficiency in the Russian Federation and abroad in order to identify the best international experience and its implementation in the Russian legal field. As a result of the research, the authors developed practical recommendations for legal support for upcoming ICOs procedures for companies in this industry.
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- investments
- energy saving technologies
- energy efficiency
- legal regulation of energy saving
- lighting equipment
- energy saving companies and lighting
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