Light & Engineering 32 (4) 2024
Volume 32Date of publication 08/01/2024
Pages 126
Rustam S. Zakirullin, Nikita M. Gunko, and Irina A. Odenbakh Simulation of Daylight Glare Probability in Rooms with Grating Smart Windows
Cigdem Cengiz The Relationship between Electricity Consumption from Outdoor Lighting and Economic Growth
Alexey G. Voloboy, Sergey V. Ershov, Eugene Yu. Denisov, and Vladimir A. Galaktionov Efficient Calculation of Annual Daylighting Performance Metrics Using the Klems Grid
Sourin Bhattacharya, Subarna Roy, Sudipta Majumder, and Sanjib Majumder Simulative Prediction of Solar Illuminance and Application of the Du-Sharples Model in Estimating Adapted Daylighting Metrics for an Urban Environment
Yuri V. Fedotov, Sergei E. Ivanov, Michael L. Belov, Alexander M. Belov, Victor A. Gorodnichev, Sergei I. Chumachenko, and Alexei A. Shkarupilo The Tree Species Classifying Possibilities Research in the Spectral Range (0.4-1.0) μm
Alexander A. Tikhomirov, Maxim S. Molokeev, and Vladimir V. Velichko The Use of Phosphor LED Irradiators with an Adjustable Spectrum for Growing Tomatoes for Production of Seedlings and Fruits under Electrical Light
Feodor I. Manyakhin, Dmitry O. Varlamov, Lyudmila O. Mokretsova, and Arkady A. Skvortsov Non-Destructive Method and Device for Measurements of Profile of Doping for the Active Region of the p–n Structure LED Crystals
Ivan A. Fedotov and Mihail P. Tokarev Development of the Pulsed LED Illuminator for High-Speed Optical Measurements
George A. Benuni, Fedor Yu. Vinogradov, and Denis A. Solovyov Selection of the Optimal Asymmetric Distribution Curve of the Road Luminaire for a Typical Highway
Isa Aslan, Sermin Onaygil, M. Berker Yurtseven, and Onder Guler Energy Performance Analysis Using Hybrid Strategy in Adaptive Road Lighting
Dmitry D. Zhdanov, Kirill S. Guskov, Andrei D. Zhdanov, Igor S. Potemin, Artemy Yu. Kulbako, Yuri V. Alexandrov, Alexei V. Lopatin, and Vadim G. Sokolov Using a Federated Approach to Synthesize Images of Confidential Scene Models
Yunyun Wang and Jiahao Lan Research on Performance Evaluation and Optimization of Lighting Industry Supply Chain Based on LMBP Algorithm
Nurefsan Sonmez and Arzu Cilasun Kunduraci Architectural Lighting Design Evaluation of Izmir Ataturk Museum