Light & Engineering 32 (2) 2024
Volume 32Date of publication 04/24/2024
Pages 4–12
In 1924, the International Commission on Illumination adopted the function of relative spectral luminous efficiency V(λ), which made it possible to move from subjective methods for assessing light sources of radiation to objective methods for measuring light quantities, constructing a system of light quantities, and creating standards for reproducing units of light quantities. Research in the field of physiological perception of light has continued and continues throughout these hundred years. This article is devoted to a brief review of materials from studies of actinic properties of the visual apparatus, i.e. spectral weighting functions of human perception of optical radiation, taking into account adaptation to various lighting conditions, as well as taking into account studies of fundamental physiological reactions of the visual system.
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- actinism
- actinic properties
- visual perception
- photopic relative spectral efficiency V(λ)
- scotopic relative spectral light efficiency V’(λ)
- mesopic relative spectral light efficiency Vmes; m(λ)
- photopic relative spectral efficiency for a viewing angle of 10 degrees V10(λ)
- fundamental cone or physiological functions of relative spectral luminous efficiency VF(λ)
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