Light & Engineering 32 (1) 2024
Volume 32Date of publication 02/12/2024
Pages 50-55
The article presents a review and analysis of normative formulas, which are used in the time being in our country for daylighting of interiors design. The absence of unification in the formulas considered is being noted. The division of external daylighting systems was conducted few decades ago mechanically too, only due to the position of light openings in building in form of windows or monitors. Additionally, it was shown that luminance spreading cloudy CIE sky vault has a quantitative, not a qualitative, character. That’s why the elaboration of a new, unified design formula is needed instead of two separate formulas for side and roof systems of daylighting, having different structures of scientific content. The number of conclusions, as a result of scientific investigations, and some perspective directions of future scientific studies were being offered.
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- systems of side and roof daylighting
- standard overcast sky
- daylight factor (D)
- design formulas
- unification of design methods
- normative design
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