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Assessment of the Insolation Duration for the Facades of Buildings and Adjacent Territories under Certain Parameters of their Development L&E, Vol. 29, No. 5 (1), 2021

Light & Engineering 29 (5)

Volume 29
Date of publication 10/18/2021
Pages 28–34

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Assessment of the Insolation Duration for the Facades of Buildings and Adjacent Territories under Certain Parameters of their Development L&E, Vol. 29, No. 5 (1), 2021
Articles authors:
Sergei V. Stetsky, Kira O. Larionova

Ph.D. in technical sciences, Associate Professor, graduated from Moscow Institute named after V.V. Kuibyshev in 1970. At present, he is an Associate Professor at the chair “Design of Buildings and Structures” (former department of “Architecture of Civil and Industrial Buildings”) NRU “MGSU”

Kira O. Larionova, Ph. D., Associate Professor of the chair Architectural Design and Environmental Physic at the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering. She graduated from Moscow State University of Civil Engineering in 2009, Institute of Construction and Architecture. Her research spheres: environmental design, daylighting, and solar protection

The article is devoted to a wide scale desk and field scientific studies, devoted to a problem of solar insolation of residential buildings and near-by territories. The investigations were conducted on basis of a number of cities in Russian Federation, situated in different insolation zones of country. The different type of residential blocks, as regards to their size, shape, height, etc., was chosen for the studies in question. The lasting of solar insolation period in cardinal standard months of year in relations to the above mentioned factors was determined and this gave a possibility to make a number of general conclusions and to represent some recommendation for architectural and structural design of residential buildings and urban development in general. The article also proves the importance and validity of the latter changes, which were put into the contemporary “Sanitary Codes and Regulations” of Russian Federation in the section on insolation of buildings and territories.
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