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Method for Calculating the Asymmetric Luminous Intensity Distribution for the Road Lighting Luminaire L&E, Vol.31, No.6, 2023

Light & Engineering 31 (6)

Volume 31
Date of publication 12/13/2023
Pages 4–12

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Method for Calculating the Asymmetric Luminous Intensity Distribution for the Road Lighting Luminaire L&E, Vol.31, No.6, 2023
Articles authors:
Alexei A. Korobko

Alexei A. Korobko, Ph. D. in Technical Sciences. He is the Leading Researcher of the IT department at ILEC BOOS LIGHTING GROUP, Member of the Editorial Board of the Svetotekhnika/Light & Engineering Journal

A method is proposed for calculating the asymmetric luminous intensity distribution of a luminaire for stationary road lighting, in which the properties of directional reflection of light from the road surface are used to the greatest extent. The method is based on the analytical relationship of the luminaire’s luminous intensity in the direction of the calculated point with the luminance of the road surface at this point in the direction of the driver, expressed in terms of the reduced luminance coefficient of this coating. The main provisions and algorithm of the method are given. The features of the calculation depending on the angle of inclination of the luminaire and the layout of the luminaires relative to the direction of movement are shown. According to a specially developed computer program, an example of calculating the asymmetric light distribution of a luminaire is executed and its effectiveness is evaluated in comparison with traditional symmetrical luminous intensity distribution.
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