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Creating GUI under LabVIEW for Parameters Identification of a Photovoltaic Module L&E, Vol.31, No.6, 2023

Light & Engineering 31 (6)

Volume 31
Date of publication 12/13/2023
Pages 86–92

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Creating GUI under LabVIEW for Parameters Identification of a Photovoltaic Module L&E, Vol.31, No.6, 2023
Articles authors:
Fehri Krout, Mourad Talbi, Nawel Mensia, Radhouane Chtourou

Fehri Krout, Electrical Engineering Technician at the Centre of Researches and Technologies of Energy of Borj Cedria (CRTEn), Tunis, Tunisia. He is a member of Laboratory of Nano-Materials and Systems for Renewable Energies (LaNSER). He has obtained his Electrical Engineering Degree in Electrical Engineering in 2007 at hight Higher Institute of Education and Continuing Training. He has made many projects in the field of photovoltaics such as realization of a photovoltaic system including a PV panel, MPPT controller and load

Mourad Talbi, Ph. D., an Associate Professor in Electrical Engineering at the Centre of Researches and Technologies of Energy of Borj Cedria (CRTEn), Tunis, Tunisia. He is a member of Laboratory of Nano-Materials and Systems for Renewable Energies (LaNSER). He has obtained his Master degree in automatics and signal processing at National Engineering School of Tunis in 2004. He has obtained his Ph. D. in Electronics at Faculty of Sciences of Tunis in 2010, and his HDR in Electronics at Faculty of sciences of Tunis in 2015

Nawel Mensia, Ph. D., an Assistant Professor in Electrical Engineering at the Centre of Researches and Technologies of Energy of Borj Cedria (CRTEn), Tunis, Tunisia. She is a member of a Photovoltaic Laboratory (CRTEn). She received her Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering from Tunis-Elmanar University, in 2011. Her research interests include application of advanced control in photovoltaic systems

Radhouane Chtourou, Full Professor of Physics, General Manager of Researches and Technologies of Energy of Borj Cedria (CRTEn), Tunis, Tunisia. He is a member of Laboratory of Nano-Materials and Systems for Renewable Energies (LaNSER). He has made many publications and projects in the domains of Synthesis of materials and nanomaterials, physic-chemical characterization of materials and nanomaterials applied to renewable energies and environmental applications. He has made many industrial collaborations and technology transfers

Nowadays, the resources of renewable energy are in intensive employment due to their environmental and technical merits. The identification of unknown parameters in photovoltaic (PV) models is one of the main issues in simulation and modelling of renewable energy sources. In this regard, we propose to create a graphical user interface (GUI) for parameters identification of a PV module used in this work. This GUI is implemented under Lab-VIEW and can be employed for the parameters’ identification of any PV module.
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