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Modelling of Novel Architecture of PV Generator Based on a-Si: H/c-Si Materials and Using Solar Tracker for Partial Shading L&E, Vol.30, No.5, 2022

Light & Engineering 30 (5)

Volume 30
Date of publication 10/25/2022
Pages 92–97

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Modelling of Novel Architecture of PV Generator Based on a-Si: H/c-Si Materials and Using Solar Tracker for Partial Shading L&E, Vol.30, No.5, 2022
Articles authors:
Mourad Talbi, Nawel Mensia, Jassem Arfaoui, Abdelmajid Zairi

Mourad Talbi, Ph. D., an Associate Professor in Electrical Engineering at the Centre of Researches and Technologies of Energy of Borj Cedria (CRTEn), Tunis, Tunisia. He is a member of Laboratory of Nano-Materials and Systems for Renewable Energies (LaNSER). He has obtained his Master degree in automatics and signal processing at National Engineering School of Tunis in 2004. He has obtained his Ph. D. in Electronics at Faculty of Sciences of Tunis in 2010, and his HDR in Electronics at Faculty of sciences of Tunis in 2015

Nawel Mensia, Ph. D., an Assistant Professor in Electrical Engineering at the Centre of Researches and Technologies of Energy of Borj Cedria (CRTEn), Tunis, Tunisia. She is a member of a Photovoltaic Laboratory (CRTEn). She received her Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering from Tunis-Elmanar University, in 2011. Her research interests include application of advanced control in photovoltaic systems

Jassem Arfaoui, M. Sc. At present, he is a Senior Technician in Centre of Researches and Technologies of Energy of Borj Cedria (CRTEn), Tunis, Tunisia. In 2019, he has obtained his master degree in Electrotechnics and Renewable Energies at Higher Institute of Education. He participated in many projects in the photovoltaic domain. He is actually a member of thermal process laboratory (CRTEn)

Abdelmajid Zairi At present, he is a Senior Technician at the Centre of Researches and Technologies of Energy of Borj Cedria (CRTEn), Tunis, Tunisia. He has supervised many graduation projects and has made many patents in the photovoltaic domain. Actually, he is a member of photovoltaic laboratory (CRTEn)

The purpose of this study is to investigate the shading effect on a novel architecture of photovoltaic generator (PVG) proposed in this paper. This architecture consists of three photovoltaic (PV) modules in series connected. Two of them consist of amorphous silicon cells in series connected. The third module consists of monocrystalline silicon cells in series connected. This architecture is conceived as a PV concentrator, where the two amorphous PV modules are located in the lower position, and the third one is located in the upper position precisely in the focus. The role of the upper module is to absorb the solar rays, which are reflected by the two other modules to gain the maximum of solar energy. This novel architecture is aimed at solving the problems existing with the architecture of tandem solar cells proposed in literature. Those problems are the mismatch between cells and the tunnel junction costs and fabrication. In this work, we use MATLAB/Simulink for modelling this architecture and studying its characteristics (I–V and P–V) in case of partial shading. Through this study, it was found that the maximum PV power is affected by the partial shading. To solve this problem, we have implemented in this work a solar tracker.
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8. Arduino based Solar Tracker – Stepper Motor & Light Resistor Tutorial – EEEnthusiast.


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