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The Influence of “Green” Roofs on the Energy Efficiency of Residential Buildings in the City of Tula L&E, Vol.31, No.3, 2023

Light & Engineering 31 (3)

Volume 31
Date of publication 06/13/2023
Pages 132–138

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The Influence of “Green” Roofs on the Energy Efficiency of Residential Buildings in the City of Tula L&E, Vol.31, No.3, 2023
Articles authors:
Alexei Yu. Lapin, Elena V. Sysoeva

Alexei Yu. Lapin is the Master course student of the National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering. He is studying at the Department of Architectural and Construction Design and Environmental Physics. His research interests are: architectural and construction design of civil and industrial buildings, studies of “green roofs” of the buildings

Elena V. Sysoeva, Ph. D., Associate Professor. She graduated from the Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering of the Faculty of Civil Engineering in 1981. In 1993, she defended her dissertation for the Ph. D. degree. At present, she works as an Associate Professor of the Department of NRU MGSU. Her research interests: large-span structures, the history of design and construction, “green” roofs

The need to improve the thermal engineering characteristics of the enclosing structures of construction objects and the increasing interest of the state in the development of environmental policy increase the prospects for studying the technology of “green” roofs because they are capable to solve comprehensively issues of energy efficiency and environmental safety. The object of the study is modern technological solutions of “green” roofs, the subject of the study is the analysis of the thermo-physical properties of coatings using “green” roof systems, the objectives of the study include: justification of the need to implement the above systems in the current climatic conditions, market analysis of the solutions offered by leading manufacturers of “green” coatings, the implementation of comparative thermal engineering calculations, calculations of stationary and non-stationary heat transfer in the thickness of coating structures.
In the course of the study, data from official statistics websites, publicly available satellite images of remote sensing and also mathematical analysis methods, including methods of correlation and regression analysis, forecasting trends based on the obtained indicators were used. To perform the calculations, the Excel software package and the ELCUT engineering analysis computer program that allows two-dimensional modelling in solving thermal problems were used.
Statistical data on the provision of residents of the region with public green spaces have been formed and analysis of the environmental parameters of the territory was carried out with the creation of a correlation and regression model, also forecast values. The results of the temperature distribution fields for stationary and non-stationary heat transfer of two types of “green” roof construction are obtained, taking into account various parameters of finishing the inner surface of the coating.
Statistical environmental data that was generated using mathematical analysis methods made it possible to determine the environmental risks of the region, to create a basis for further research on the territory of the Tula region. The energy efficiency indicators of various types of “green” roofs, obtained as a result of thermal engineering calculations, as well as the identified accumulation capabilities, allowed us to draw conclusions about the prospects for the introduction of “green” technologies and the need for further research in the field of energy conservation and thermal inertia of enclosing structures of construction objects.
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