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Supplementary Artificial Lighting of Interiors as a Factor to Create a Comfortable Lighting Environment in Working Premises of Office Buildings: A Review L&E, Vol. 29, No. 5 (1), 2021

Light & Engineering 29 (5)

Volume 29
Date of publication 10/18/2021
Pages 24–27

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Supplementary Artificial Lighting of Interiors as a Factor to Create a Comfortable Lighting Environment in Working Premises of Office Buildings: A Review L&E, Vol. 29, No. 5 (1), 2021
Articles authors:
Sergei V. Stetsky, Kira O. Larionova

Ph.D. in technical sciences, Associate Professor, graduated from Moscow Institute named after V.V. Kuibyshev in 1970. At present, he is an Associate Professor at the chair “Design of Buildings and Structures” (former department of “Architecture of Civil and Industrial Buildings”) NRU “MGSU”

Kira O. Larionova, Ph. D., Associate Professor of the chair Architectural Design and Environmental Physic at the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering. She graduated from Moscow State University of Civil Engineering in 2009, Institute of Construction and Architecture. Her research spheres: environmental design, daylighting, and solar protection

The article deals with system of supplementary artificial lighting of working premises in office buildings. It is noted, that for the time being the construction and commission of office building in majority of world’s countries increase, creating jobs for many people, which work as office personal. That’s why the creating of comfortable indoor climatic environment takes a leading part in the process of architectural and structural design of the buildings in question. The comfort of lighting environment is considered as one of main for man among the environmental problems to be solved in these building. As a results of the scientific study presented, the authors studies that the best solution in this case is to incorporated artificial lighting in supplementary form to increase the total level of illumination of working premises where and when it is necessary. The authors noted, that for the scientific investigations of the kind considered, the best method of the field study was an internationally – adopted method of subjective expert appraisal of the indoor lighting environment.
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