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Energy Saving in Lighting Technologies of Agricultural Production L&E, Vol. 29, No. 2, 2021

Light & Engineering 29 (2)

Volume 29
Date of publication 04/22/2021
Pages 21–25

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Energy Saving in Lighting Technologies of Agricultural Production L&E, Vol. 29, No. 2, 2021
Articles authors:
Svetlana A. Ovchukova, Nadezhda P. Kondrateva, Olga Yu. Kovalenko

Svetlana A. Ovchukova, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor. In 1963, she graduated from Mordovia State University. Area of her scientific interest: application of optical radiation sources in industry and agriculture

Nadezhda P. Kondrateva, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. She graduated in 1978 from the Chelyabinsk Institute of Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. At present, she is a Professor of the department of Automated Electric Drive at the Udmurt State Agrarian University. She has her own scientific school in the field of agricultural lighting and is engaged in the development of energy-saving lighting technologies using digital automated systems. She has got the title of Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation

Olga Yu. Kovalenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor. In 1983, she graduated from N.P. Ogarev Mordovia State University with a degree in Lighting Engineering and Light Sources. At present, she is Professor of the Department of Metrology, Standardization, and Certification of the Institute of Electronics and Lighting Engineering of the National Research Mordovia State University named after N.P. Ogarev. Her research interests: measurement and control of parameters of lighting and irradiation systems

With the continue increase prices of the electricity while the financing of agriculture is remaining the same, agricultural production is increasingly difficult to satisfy the needs of the population with food production. Under these conditions the role of energy-saving technologies in agricultural production is relevant. In particular, very important is the use of optical radiation for irradiation of dairy herds, poultry and plants. In this article, methods of energy saving are presented, identified on the basis of long-term theoretical and practical research of the authors and their graduate students. The reliability of this research is confirmed by defended theses, the theoretical and practical achievements, the protocols of experiments, acts of economic and factory tests. The authors hope that this information will provide practical assistance to numerous small farms in our country while choosing energy-saving lighting technologies.
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14. Krasnolutskaya M.G. Increasing the efficiency of an ultraviolet LED irradiator for pre-sowing treatment of spruce seeds/ Ph.D. Thesis, Izhevsk, 2018,163 p.
15. Kondrateva N.P., Kasatkina N.I., Kuryleva A.G., Baturina K.A., Ilyasov I.R. and Korepanov R.I. Effect of treatment of seeds of grain crops by ultraviolet radiation before sowing. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 2020. 433 012039–1315/433/1/012039.
16. Kondrateva N.P., Terentyev P.V., Filatov D.A., Maksimov I.I, Kirillov N.K., Ovchukova S.A. and Rybakov L.M. The effect of greenhouse irradiators on the load factor of step-down transformers. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 2020. 433 012051–1315/433/1/012051.


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