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Dual-Function Germicidal Recirculators for Air Disinfection and Erythema Irradiation or Room Lighting L&E, Vol. 29, No. 2, 2021

Light & Engineering 29 (2)

Volume 29
Date of publication 04/22/2021
Pages 26–31

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Dual-Function Germicidal Recirculators for Air Disinfection and Erythema Irradiation or Room Lighting L&E, Vol. 29, No. 2, 2021
Articles authors:
Alexander L. Wasserman, Anton Yu. Skopin

Alexander L. Wasserman, Ph.D. He graduated in 1957 from the electrophysical faculty of VZEI (at present, MPEI TU). Alexander Wasserman is the honoured machine builder of the Russian Federation, an invalid of the Great Patriotic War, an oldest scientist of the Russian lighting community

Anton Yu. Skopin, Ph.D. in Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Director for scientific work of the ROSPOTREBNADZOR Research Institute on Disinfectology and Associate Professor at General Hygiene Department of the First Sechenov Moscow State Medical University

This paper discusses different types of UV germicidal irradiators (UVIs), including (probably, for the first time) dual-function germicidal recirculators (producing germicidal irradiation together with erythema irradiation or illumination) and their characteristics. Methodological indications illustrated with examples, as well as some necessary information for public health officers in charge of epidemiological surveillance, are useful for relevant engineering calculations.
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2. Wasserman A.L. Elementary course of ultraviolet technology for the destruction of pathogens in the air environment. – Moscow: Knigizdat, 2021, 55 p.
3. Wasserman A.L. Measurement of the germicidal flux from low pressure ultraviolet tube mercury lamps. //. Light and Engineering, 2019, Vol. 27, #1, pp. 69-72.
4. Meshkov V.V. Lighting installations: Fundamentals of rationing, design and calculation: [Tutorial]. – M.-L.: Gosenergoizdat, 1947, 640 p.
5. Neishtadt Ya.E. Germicidal ultraviolet radiation. – Moscow: Medgiz, 1956, 120 p.
6. Sarychev G.S. Irradiating light installations. – Moscow: Energoatomizdat. 1992, 240 p.
7. Reference book on lighting engineering / Edited by J.B. Aizenberg. 3-th edition revised and enlarged – M.: Znak, 2006, 972 p.
8. MU5046–89 “Preventive Ultraviolet Exposure of People (with the use of artificial sources of ultraviolet radiation” (approved on 03/08/1989).
9. V.V. Meshkov. Fundamentals of Lighting Engineering: Textbook. – 2nd edition, revised – M: Energy, 1979, 368 p.


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