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About Effect of LED Lighting and its Dynamics on Visual Functions and Overall State of a Spectator. L&E 28 (3) 2020

Light & Engineering 28 (3)

Volume 28
Date of publication 06/01/2020
Pages 31–36


About Effect of LED Lighting and its Dynamics on Visual Functions and Overall State of a Spectator. L&E 28 (3) 2020
Articles authors:
Yulia A. Skorik

Yulia A. Skorik, engineer, graduated from the Lighting Engineering sub-department of MPEI (TU) in 2011, graduated from the post-graduate studies of NIU MPEI by specialty in Lighting Engineering and Light Sources in 2019

Constant development of LED light sources (LS) and lighting control systems establish a potential for development of brand new lighting installations (LI) which allow us to increase efficiency of human performance for both short periods of time and for the entire active period of life. For massive development of such LIs, it is necessary to have a methodology for evaluating their efficiency. Such methodology has been developed and tested and has prospects of development requiring constant collection and consideration of new information. In view of this, the article describes experimental evaluations of parameters of visual functions and psycho-emotional and physiological states of spectators in static and dynamic lighting by LED LSs.
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