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Analysis and Strategies for Zonal Lighting Design of Konya Mevlana Museum and Mevlana Culture Centre Axis. L&E 28 (3) 2020

Light & Engineering 28 (3)

Volume 28
Date of publication 06/01/2020
Pages 22–30


Analysis and Strategies for Zonal Lighting Design of Konya Mevlana Museum and Mevlana Culture Centre Axis. L&E 28 (3) 2020
Articles authors:
Aysegul Tereci, Ozge Ozata

Aysegul Tereci graduated from the Department of Architecture at Gazi University, Faculty of Engineering & Architecture in 2003. She got the M. Sc. degree from the Department of Construction Technology and Control of Physical Environment at ITU, Istanbul, Turkey in 2006. She worked as a researcher at Stuttgart University of Applied Science, Germany. She got her Ph.D. degree in Building Science from ODTU, Ankara, Turkey in 2012. The author’s major field of study is energy efficient building and urban design

Ozge Ozata graduated from Lefke European University, Faculty of Architecture in 2014. She completed her master’s degree at KTO Karatay University- Department of Architecture in 2017. She worked in different construction companies between 2014 and 2018. She is currently working in Yesilyurt Municipality of Malatya

In order to make the cities more liveable at night and to reflect the promised value of the city during the night, zone lighting should be considered rather than single building lighting. Zone lighting design prevents light pollution and provides a more comfortable perception of the desired elements in the city skyline. In this context, the factors affecting zonal lighting design were specified by literature study and stages of such design were determined. The axis of Mevlana – Mevlana Culture Centre, given the tourism potential at night in Konya, which is considered the capital of religious tourism in Turkey, was chosen as a study area and a lighting design proposal was prepared for this zone. According to plans, holistic zone lighting simulation models were created and the city skyline formed by illuminance at night was overviewed.
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