Light & Engineering 27 (6)
Volume 27
Date of publication 12/20/2019
Pages 16-26
Renewing Street Lighting with LED Technology A Single Case Study in Casarabonela. L&E 27 (6) 2019
Articles authors:
Rosa Maria Morillas, José Ramon de Andrés
Rosa Maria Morillas, M. Sc. and M. Eng. She has a M. Sc. in Industrial Engineering, a M. Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the Universidad de Malaga (Spain) and a M. Sc. in Occupational Health and Safety at the Workplace from the University of San Pablo Ceus (Spain). She completed her MasterТs thesis at Skovde University (Sweden) in 2012. For the last seven years, she has been working as an electric engineer for the Ministry of Public Works in Malaga, Spain. Her research interests include Project Management and Lighting
José Ramon de Andrés received an Industrial Engineering degree from the University of Comillas (ICAI), and his Ph.D. degree from the University of Malaga Spain, in 1989 and 1998 respectively. Currently he is an Associate Professor at the Department of Graphical Expression, Design and Projects at the University of Malaga. His research interests include Product Design, LCA, Project Management and Lighting
In 2015, the ecological, economic and social necessity of increasing energy efficiency contributed to street lighting renewal in the Spanish municipality of Casarabonela. Considering fixed operating and maintenance costs, it was a significant, long term investment with high impact for the community. Technicians chose LED light sources after studying technical and economic proposals submitted. Measurements of light levels, energy consumption and costs were carried out before and after the renovation. Once the chosen proposal was implemented, follow up surveys from technicians, maintenance workers and final users were collected. This case study aims to describe steps taken in the process of luminaires replacement. It has been estimated savings, expected and actual together with the return period on investment. This case may well serve as a prototype for a subsequent multiple case study which aims to validate a list of indicators obtained in a previous research.
- When valuing a luminaire, there may not be one that is the best in all parameters;
- Illuminance is not the only important indicator for final user satisfaction, correlated colour temperature and uniformity must be also considered;
- Indicators evaluated must be required in bids;
- Final savings can be greater than first estimated.
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