The article describes the largest project of comprehensive outdoor lighting system modernisation in Russia implemented in an old city of Nizhny Novgorod standing on the river Volga. This project involved complete rearrangement of outdoor lighting installations and a modern control system with Smart City elements realization as well as development of the system of architectural lighting of major buildings of the city. Lighting devices with Russian-made LEDbased light sources were designed and used for the first time while implementing this project.The equipment was designed by BL GROUP International Light Engineering Company, manufactured by the plants owned by this holding company, delivered to Nizhny Novgorod and installed within unprecedented short time.New methods and technologies were used when conducting the works, which provided about 76 % of energy saving for outdoor lighting and allowed to create the image of the city emphasising the magnificence of its historic centre. The project was implemented under an energy service agreement without budget funds. As a result, on the residents’ opinion, by the moment of the 800th anniversary Nizhny Novgorod has become brighter, more bustling, safer and more convenient during night time and more attractive for tourists.
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- closed cycle of R&D and manufacturing
- rearrangement of outdoor lighting in megapolises
- LED-based lighting devices
- luminaires (console, suspended, landscape/standing)
- new methods and technologies of outdoor lighting modernisation in megapolises
- energy service agreement
- control system
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