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Comparison of LED and HPS Luminaries in Terms of Energy Savings at Tunnel Illumination. L&E 27 (3) 2019

Light & Engineering 27 (3)

Volume 27
Date of publication 08/06/2019
Pages 67-74


Comparison of LED and HPS Luminaries in Terms of Energy Savings at Tunnel Illumination. L&E 27 (3) 2019
Articles authors:
Behçet Kocaman, Sabir Rustemli

Behcet Kocaman, Ph.D. He received the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Yildiz Techinal University in 1993. He received M.S. and Ph.D. degrees, all were in Electrical Engineering from Kocaeli University in 1997 and 2015, respectively. Currently, he is working as Associate Professor at department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Bitlis Eren University. His research areas are energy efficiency, illumination, renewable energy sources, energy management, and transmission and distribution technologies

Sabir Rustemli, Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Azerbaijan Scientific-Research Institute of Electric. He became Associate Professor in 1997 and Professor in 2005. He is Head of Electrical-Electronics Engineering in Bitlis Eren University

Energy demand is increasing day by day be cause of the step up of population, rising living standards, rising energy prices, global warming and climate change, developments in industry and tech nology in developing countries. In order to meet this increasing energy demand, it is not possible to increase production only due to limited energy resources. Therefore existing energy sources need to be used in the most efficient way. One of the most important means of reaching this target is the effi cient use of energy and its saving. Tunnel illumina tion is one of the areas of efficient and saving use of energy. In this study, high pressure sodium (HPS) and light emitting diode (LED) luminaires usage are compared to Buzlup?nar tunnel, which is a short tunnel in Bitlis province. It has also been found that illumination with LED luminaires is more efficient and economical in tunnel illumination instead of HPS.
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