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The Use of Solar Energy for Heating Premises in the Southern Regions of the Russian Federation in the Spring-Autumn Period L&E, Vol.32, No.1, 2024

Light & Engineering 32 (1) 2024

Volume 32
Date of publication 02/12/2024
Pages 18–22

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The Use of Solar Energy for Heating Premises in the Southern Regions of the Russian Federation in the Spring-Autumn Period L&E, Vol.32, No.1, 2024
Articles authors:
Artyom R. Onoprienko, Alexei K. Solovyov, Vladimir I. Rimshin

Artyom R. Onoprienko, Master’s student at the Department of Architectural and Construction Design and Environmental Physics at VSUP VPO NRU MGSU

Alexei K. Solovyov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Advisor to RAASN, Expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He graduated in 1965 from Moscow Institute named after V.V. Kuibyshev. At present, he is the Professor of the department “Design of buildings and structures” (former department of “Architecture of civil and industrial buildings”) of the NRU MGSU. He is a member of the editorial board of the Svetotekhnika / Light & Engineering journals and has the titles of Honorary Builder of the Russian Federation and Honoured Worker of the Higher School of Russia

Vladimir I. Rimshin, Dr. of Technical Science, Professor, Corresponding member of RAASN. Honoured Builder of the Russian Federation, Laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of science and technology, author of 424 scientific works in the field of construction and housing, and communal services, including 34 textbooks, teaching aids and monographs stamped “Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation”, 14 publications in the international SCOPUS system, 22 copyright certificates and patents. At present, he is a Professor at NRU MGSU

The task of restoring the housing stock in destroyed cities and towns in the south of Russia is urgent. It will be paramount after the restoration of peaceful life in the DPR, LPR, Kherson, and Zaporozhye regions of the Russian Federation. It is known that in the Krasnodar region, in the northern Caucasus, and in other regions of southern Russia there is a shortage of electricity. Restoring energy-intensive industries in Donbass will require large electricity capacities. At the same time, the climate of southern Russia allows the use of the Sun in housing construction as an inexhaustible source of renewable energy. At the same time, the huge scale of restoration of the housing stock requires the design and construction of inexpensive energy-efficient housing, which must comply with the requirements of Federal Law No. 261 of June 11, 2021 “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”.
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