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The Influence of Reflected Light on the Assessment of the Quality of Daylighting in Rooms with Vertical Windows L&E, Vol.32, No.1, 2024

Light & Engineering 32 (1) 2024

Volume 32
Date of publication 02/12/2024
Pages 39-44

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The Influence of Reflected Light on the Assessment of the Quality of Daylighting in Rooms with Vertical Windows L&E, Vol.32, No.1, 2024
Articles authors:
Nina A. Molchina

Nina A. Molchina, engineer. She graduated in 2012 with a red diploma from NRU MSCU. At present, she is a pre-teacher of the Department of Architectural and Construction Design and Environmental Physics of the National Research University of Moscow State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Her research interests: quality of indoor light climate, the relationship between subjective assessment of the quality of indoor light climate and normative values in lighting, spatial characteristics of the light field

The light distribution nature determines the quality of luminous environment created by the daylight in the room. How the daylight flux received through the window will be distributed throughout the room depends on the reflectivity of the enclosing surfaces. However, the efficiency of using the reflectivity of the material is determined not only by the value of the reflection coefficient, but is a complex function depending on the geometric parameters of the room, the configuration and characteristics of the light openings, the ratio of the reflection coefficients of various surfaces of the room. According to the accepted rationing system, the effect of reflections inside the room is taken into account with help of the coefficient r0. This coefficient is determined by the tables given in the standards of the Russian Federation. In this article, the Author examine the properties of the illuminance, created by the reflection part and how it influences the light quality in the room with daylighting. The conclusions were made according to the results of the reflection influence research of daylight factor and cylindrical illuminance. The importance of the reflected component share, which is creating by the multiple reflections, is illustrated. Also conclusions about the importance of taking into account the configuration of rooms, as well as the ratio of reflection coefficients of all surfaces of the room for maximum use of the reflection effect are given.
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